
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

FDOT Working on Sorrento Road to Implement Immediate Safety Measures


We know Sorrento Road in District 1 has major issues.  Lots of wrecks, lots of fatalities. Lots of problems.

We've been talking about it, and the media has covered it.  Folks in FDOT have been hearing about it, as has the TPO.  

Next month the TPO will vote on the prioritization of multiple projects, and I believe with the outpouring of community concern that has been coming regarding Sorrento--that the project to widen Sorrento to 4-lanes from Blue Angel Pkwy to the Theo Baars bridge will make a major leap upwards on the list (where it currently languishes at #18).

Meanwhile, I've now heard from State Representative, Dist. 2, Alex Andrade on a host of issues FDOT is taking on right now to improve safety on Sorrento Road immediately.  Rep.  Andrade has been extremely supportive and helpful on the issue --for which I'm very appreciative.  According to Andrade:

"the following is a quick mention of the improvements along Sorento Road. These improvements and added safety features represent the  efforts underway. There are more features coming in the interim until we can provide the long term features as the projects make their way through the resurfacing program. Also we will continue to monitor the corridor for additional improvements and possible safety enhancements.

•             Construction underway for resurfacing of Sorrento Rd from Theo Baars Bridge to South of CR 293 (Bauer Rd).

            Resurfacing the pavement and upgraded signing and pavement markings

            Construction of a southbound left turn lane at Choctaw

            Construction of paved shoulders as needed

            Reconstruction of the Canal Dr. intersection at SR 292 (Perdido Key Drive)

             Adding keyhole bike lanes at the existing westbound right turn lanes near the Dollar General and in front of the Perdido Bay Baptist Church and Merlin Ave.

             Extension of the newly constructed left turn lane from Innerarity Point Road to the existing three lane section at Iaca Ave. as well as the extension of the existing right turn lane at Innerarity Point Rd.

            Adding audible and vibratory pavement markings on outside edge line and centerline.

•             Construction underway for intersection improvement at SR 292 Sorrento Rd and CR 293 (Bauer Rd.) to construct an eastbound right turn lane, northbound right turn lane, and extend the westbound right turn lane and westbound left turn lane.  New pedestrian crosswalks with pedestrian signals are also included.

•             We are closely monitoring Doug Ford Rd. and have an ongoing speed study in this area.  The speed study is nearing completion.

•             Construction underway for turn lane improvements at the intersection of SR 292 Sorrento at CR 292A Innerarity Point Intersection.  This project will add a southbound left turn lane, eastbound right turn lane, and extended the westbound left turn lane. Intersection lighting was also included. Construction is estimated to be complete in the near future.

•             SR 292 Sorrento Rd/ Gulf Beach Hwy from CR 293 to CR 292A is currently being considered as a candidate resurfacing project for design in FY 24 and construction in FY 26.  Additional safety improvements will be considered during design of the resurfacing.

•             The Department is conducting immediate safety improvements to install outside and centerline vibratory and audible pavement makings as well as speed feedback signs between Bauer Rd and Blue Angel Pkwy; set to begin in August. 

•             Left turn lane on Sorrento Rd at Nighthawk Ln is currently in construction."


Anonymous said...

What this post talks about is 'resurfacing' only. You mention 'construction as shoulders as needed'--there is no agreed upon general widening of shoulders on Sorrento. THEREFORE, IT'S still and will be generally unsafe and certainly is not being officially 'widened' in anyway.

Anonymous said...

This is not really a real plan to fix Sorrento Road or bring it to a higher lever of traffic service. For instance, you say 'Shoulders will be paved as needed'. This is not speciifc and it will not improve the structural capacity of it, since the project does not include or call for general shoulder widening. It doesn't. This is just a pretend political trick to quell those on the west side who know Sorrento Road needs to be widened, at least with real shoulders. However, extra lanes are really what it and we need.