
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Mummy--a Fictional, Metaphoric Tall Tale*

A rhetorical:  If the mummy is one step from walking off the cliff----is it necessary to get behind such a creature and push?

As the mummy marched onward toward a cliff that was actually soon to become a caldera encircling a presently red-hot, erupting, and lava-laden volcano--unaware the cliff was approaching becase this same creature was sleepwalking--- one observer who had contempt for the mummy exclaimed--"Someone should get behind it and push!" to which one bystander said "Yeah!--push It!"  Others watched with interest and curiosity and did not intervene--neither to save the mummy nor to hasten his destruction.  Soon large groups of onlookers gathered to watch.

Some who were favorable to the mummy attempted to prevent the walk toward destruction by standing in front of the creature's path--desperately pleading with the monster who ignored their cries while subsequently walking over them.  

One particularly vituperative mummy loyalist, who  himself was an odd looking sort, short and with bulging eyes-------- talking incessantly and running around nonsensically---- tried to push the mummy away from the course leading to the lava pit to save him.   The mummy, apparently not realizing this individual was a supporter trying to help--nevertheless dispatched this odd, short, man spectacularly.  In a deep, resonating, roar--the Mummy screeched "Fly to the Sun--heathen!"  at which point the odd looking, diminutive fellow flew quickly upward--screaming "But I love you, mummy!!!!"  as he accelerated toward the heavens.  Some in the crowd thought they heard this poor-soul's eyes pop out like Champaign Corks as he rapidly disappeard from view,  climing higher and higher into the sky toward his eventual rendezvous with the sun.

Without much care for the disappearing, flying short man--others in the crowd quickly shifted focus back to their ally the mummy---they remained greatly concerned about the mummy's fate.

Some of them said "Don't worry, he won't walk off the cliff--he will wake up before he takes the last step or he'll be saved as usual before that happens!"  

Others looked on and wept and sobbed, murmuring "The mummy is not bad, he didn't mean to kill the ones he cursed, we are saddened by his march to oblivion in the magma......"

Meanwhile---several bystanders detested the mummy, knowing the truth about all the nefarious, unseemly things this particular monster had done:  murders, curses, plagues, sandstorms, and thefts. 

Some in this group DID attempt to accelerate the mummie's march to destruction.  

---One ran to the mummy and was able to put a straight jacket on him.  And yet the mummy still moved forward toward the volcano.

---Anther shot multiple flaming arrows into the mummy's back like a scene out of Braveheart --and still the creature continued it's march toward destruction.

---Another ran up beside the mummy and struck the monster with multiple blows from a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.  Whack, whack, whack--hard blows like Mark McGuire swinging for the fences----and still the mummie's march toward death continued.

----An afficionado of the shower-scene from the movie "Scarface"----a  Leatherface wannabe---rushed the mummy and with one pass of his chainsaw--the mummy's legs below the knees were lopped off.  Incredibly--the mummy continued forward, now on all fours, headed to the pit.  

At this point the mummy was literally one step away from going off the cliff, and  several wise individuals stood silently and watched.  

Right then, a member of the group opposed to the mummy came over to these observers and said--"Do something--why are you just standing there--go and push!!!"

To which one of the wise men stated dryly.  "Look:  this isn't exactly 'old bull young bull'--there's no rush.  No, it's more like a reverse 'Crabs in the Bucket'----so let me help you understand what this all means,"  he continued.

"If the evil mummy has marched toward his own death voluntarily and is now but one step away from it----- sleep walking, bound, on fire, wounded,  blinded, hobbled and bent on following a path off a cliff into a burning hot lava pit-----------we don't have to get behind that and push!"

*This essay is a simply a fictional tale, with no relation to any real person or mummy.  Any resemblance to actual persons or mummies, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental....


Melissa Pino said...

Of course the wise men have never had to get behind the mummy and push. Because they have always had the warriors and soothsayers fighting the mummy for them.

These brave and truth-telling souls have sustained tribunals, employed their vital resources on tracking and halting the mummy's mayhem, had their forests felled, been hounded by the mummy's pack of rabid she wolves and their loyal asses, had their livestock threatened, submitted to grueling torture by the mummy's fiendish Waterworld mob, watched their shops burn down, been held in bondage by a false code, have been written as demons and evil dragons, and had their kin dragged along through the slime of the mummy's sick march.

Some of them have given years of their lives to the purpose of eradicating the mummy and his leprosy from the village.

That murmur you hear from the onlookers isn't "how wise." Instead, they watch the warriors who have been unravelling the mummy's soiled linens to expose the leprosy underneath with a growing sense of dread, asking themselves and each other "What more do they want of the mummy fighters? Why won't the wise men act wisely to stop the carnage?"

As the mummy staggers ever further toward the cliff, his desperate sadism is buzzing away like a saw blade to employ his remaining powers to inflict as much damage and carnage on those who stay close enough to contain him as he possibly can.

And the mummy is sleepwalking on a potent cocktail of undead venom and sick joy juice, flinging mortars into the crowd, spewing his diseases into the air, poisoning the earth around him, and stretching the remains of his writhing mouth into a decaying grin while he thinks of the M1928 Thompson submachine gun that he's concealing under his last scraps of soiled cloth.

Note to the fabled wise men: mummies regrow their limbs. Since the wise men have the firepower to kill the mummy dead for real, the seers, warriors, and fearful souls in the crowd are beseeching them to protect the remains of the smoldering village by employing the blowtorches that the common villagers invested them with to obliterate the mummy into a pile of stinking ashes instead of waiting for him to reach the precipice. The potency of this mummy's evil protects him from such falls. And he has been known before to grab onlookers who think he has reached his last strength to haul them down into the depths he relishes, and then feed off their remains while he cackles up at the wise men peering down over the edge onto him.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so chicken shit.

Anonymous said...

So the BCC talked it over and aren't going to do anything when they know a member has abandoned the district. They want him to collect retirement and run against Steve or Michelle.

Even with all he did to them. And others.

What if the judge recommends censure and not removal? What if the Governor doesn't know about this.

To say ethics complaints are being filed. You know how long that takes.

Just like the last election cycle you all were to wimpy to censure him and hope the voters took him out.


You call yourselves the wise ones.


Kevin Wade said...

it takes more than a Hall of famer shovel to the head to stop most kinds of mummies as the traditional method of fire has been the way to kill them but of course there are many kinds of mummies.

Find their weakness and protect yourself but then you and the rest of the board are our protectors and the Scooby Doo tactic of slowly unraveling the mummy but then even in the dog cartoon it was "Dr. Najib" who was wrapped like a mummy. Darn them Anti-Fa kids meddling in the coming Authoritarian Reign.

We are not mummy fighters but just people like everyone on the board and you the board make laws and also abide by them with the occasional 'do over' but Doug has so flagrantly shirked and denied that he would abide by laws that even the roosters and dogs were calling him out during the DOAH hearing and still even at that moment he was "calling in from his 'home' "that just happened to be out of his district. Who goes to a vacation home to dial into a DOAH hearing?

Do laws matter?

Toss out the statutes if they are only enforced on a whim because we the people have no prayer with the SA.

So Doug colluded wth the buyer of his property to cook books in a meeting with Sindel well after the fact that he abandoned D2 and has just to run around creating scriveners errors?

This is worse than his tanking the OLF-8 vote.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mummy is deleting evidence.

Anonymous said...

Yeah she says she had 2 days to clear everything off the property July 7 before the owner takes possession. Get the screen shot.

Now he is on his propaganda page lying and saying he will be renting it until his service is done..
And press secretary backs him up.
And if anyone questions that he is breaking the law, They are the problem. "They suck"

So I guess twinkle in the eye Little flew into the sun.

So does the board want to take another hit and be drug down with him again by thinking they are the wise ones, by their inaction. Just like Bear tried to show you with the lawsuit, did you not learn anything.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner in Gainsville resigned after her residency was questioned. DeSantis appointed someone. Not rocket science.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Spoiler Alert: "Several wise individuals" in this fictional story were not commissioners. Nope--they were the officers of the regional Governing Pharaoh's office (who held the power to remove the mummy) and multiple officers of the pharaoah's state prosecutor's office (who held the power to prosecute the mummy)--but did nothing.

Alice Hurst Neal said...

Are there Sparknotes for this? Because I'm lost. lol

Alice Hurst Neal said...

Metaphors aside, is Dearmancorp Properties planning to level the former Underhill home and build condos there? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Good item on the agenda this morning. You couldn't ignore it.

People will spin it, including himself but if one swears to uphold the constitution, then he thinks the law doesn't apply to him, then they have violated the oath of office.

It really is case study to get insight into how his mind works. You can watch him project about the future D2 candidates.

It will save the taxpayers money for him to represent himself on his lawsuits for not turning over records per the sunshine law, plus to not pay out retirement for an illegitimate commissioner.

That will help our budget.

He will never stop claiming his innocence and deflecting blame, nor will his idiot followers.

Turn the page.

Anonymous said...

Was the residence ever repaired after Sally?
Court case on record with insurance company.

They claimed they had wind damage after posting publicly videos of water damage.

Jeff Bergosh said...

--I'm not sure what the plan is for his former residence on River Road Alice Hurst Neal. According to his comments online last night--he is still living there and has leased it back until his term ends in November. Funny how he wouldn't affirm that at the meeting today when I asked him directly. Most folks would take the opportunity to clear the air on an issue so important--instead he said "It's none of your business!" Well, maybe it's not, but it will be the Governor's business once Tallahassee gets the letter today that was sent via a 4-1 vote by the county to investigate this matter. So no, I doubt it will be condos but we will see I guess what is filed with development services in the months to come. Meanwhile, the screenshot I got indicated, on July 7th, that the underhills had to clear out "within 2 days" because the new owner was "taking possession" [on the 9th of July]. So obviously spouting online last night, two weeks after that screenshot on the 7th, that he has "leased-back" the property doesn't square with what was posted online two weeks ago before he took heat in the press late last week for not living in his district but living rather in D5 on Cassidy road (maybe he didn't think someone would send us the screenshot from the 7th?). But back to doug. Yes, like a stopped clock he's right a couple times per day. Yes, there is drama on the board---just not for the reasons he spouts. It's all stuff he creates. He and his minions going after us online, with nonstop libel and slander, lies about the board, lies about individual members of the board, lies about me, lies about my family, my wife, and my brother, drama he creates with his mouth--leading to lawsuits, drama he creates by not turning over requested public records,--leading to ethics complaints, drama he creates by bullying and threatening our female Attorney Alison Rogers --leading to censure. He desperately throws out the red herring 401(a) ---which I don't even take---as the reason for all his woes. And he tries to make himself the martyr and victim. It's grotesque his projecting and deflecting. Nope---his conduct and his mouth made this bed he's currently laying down in. Nobody else, just him. no he's not the paragon of virtue, the only "truth-teller" or the last honest man in politics. Nope, he's none of that. He's the opposite of those things, so far as I can tell. He's a guy that picks fights, bullies, and runs his mouth about a lot of people. Dancing the rain dance now he's crying because he doesn't have an umbrella, he's getting soaked, and he's fresh out of friends (except for 11-13 on the hatebook chat site). 401(a)=red herring doug

Anonymous said...

So now the angry wife makes an appearance on the propaganda page and publicly admits they were the ones sending propaganda to Marlette, McKay and Little.

Thrice public classic narc discard happening.

Says she meant "joint possession"


Took them from Friday to try to come up with this fabricated lease claim.

They should put down the shovel.

So if she thinks he should not sit the dias, what's stopping him from resigning?

He says he doesn't think a public official should get retirement so surely that can't be it.

Yes the 401a is a red herring from his logical fallacy to do list.

Popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Calling you and Steven little punk boys. Haha. She's madder en one of her lil wet hens.

Anonymous said...

The mummy is a dummy.
So is his wife,
Who’s as sharp as a dull knife.

Melissa Pino said...

Alice, whatever is going there, the house is a tear-down. There are already new pilings on the property. Doug has illegally cobbled onto a glorified fishing camp over the years off permit. The electrical and plumbing are a disaster; he added windows, fireplace, porches, you name it, and the work is all crap, much of it not to code, and some of it hazardous. The only two permits he ever pulled on the place are for roof repair (and then didn't do it the way he said he was going to, with a material code that doesn't exist) and to bury some utilities. The new owner might get some surprises underground, particularly with him excavating the front lawn (with an excavator that put him on a national alert list for defaulting on the credit) in the area of the septic to thrown down rock for a parking lot.

He also committed FEMA fraud once before, violating the 50% rule and somehow getting it by them that he enclosed his first floor, which is supposed to be blow-out walls. There was a complaint filed when he tried to go get that FEMA money again after Sally alerting them to that fact.

So he then turned to trying to bilk his insurance company with a pack of lies, and states in the suit that the house was knocked off kilter on its foundation and is dangerous, and that's why it warranted the award of a total loss. Then started the theater of "we have to live on our second floor" (which was the only habitable space they ever should have been inhabiting to begin with).

He never filed any paperwork with the county that would render any of the damage official. Nor have there been any permits pulled since Sally.

I honestly wonder if the Dearman family has any idea of what he is up to--do they even know that he is telling people they leased it to him? Maybe they did, but I doubt they are aware of any of the bigger picture of the games he has been running. If I were them, I wouldn't allow Doug on the property. The next time they see him, he'll be in a neck brace with a lawsuit in his hand.

Now he's running with the crap that he's living on the second floor, when they haven't lived in that place the better part of a year. Loved the "estrangement" language he employed in the PNJ as well to try to get the violins going. Who knows. Maybe they'll stick everything in Wendy's name--most of it already is--and divorce to keep their assets secured from his train wreck.

They're already digging their hole up on Cassidy as well. Whole lotta work going on up there on their "barndo." Not a whole lotta permitting. And a company up in NJ already holds the tax certificate.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you really need to get a hobby or something. The behavior you're exhibiting is not that of a person with all their faculties together. Stalking is a sickness.

Melissa Pino said...

Anonymous, my hobby is exposing crooked politicians.

And I wouldn't have to stalk Doug if I wanted to--which I have no interest in doing. So many people, just regular citizens, in our county have been so desperate to have him exposed and out of office for such a long time, I am continually sent documentation of his mis- and malfeasance and his crimes, both petty and serious. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that goes around that I don't and wouldn't put public or circulate in any fashion.

I stick to what pertains to him holding public office, and all the ways he and Wendy have worked as a team to bilk the system and the taxpayers, all the while living in an alternate reality in which everybody has to follow the rules except for their very own special selves. It's not my fault or problem that they provide material for that on the daily to anyone paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with anonymous 4:31 Mel. Can you honestly say you haven't driven to the north end just to find his new property?

Melissa Pino said...

Anon 12:30, even if I wanted to--which again, I don't--why would I have to?

I had a half dozen people from the north end in those environs, who were absolutely horrified he was buying up there, contact me about the sale before the ink was even dry.

I've never even driven on Doug's side of River Road. Why on earth would I haul up to Cassidy? For what purpose? His wife retails every aspect of their lives and drama on Facebook (until she goes on her delete sprees).

That's the problem with narcissists. They want everybody know everything about then, and then cry victim when they mess up and put too much out.

Anonymous said...

Underhill is on the FL commission on ethics agenda for Oct 21. Looks like they are reommending to ask the Govoner to censure, reprmand and impose a 12.5K fine.