
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Yes: This Happened on Palafox and Government Last Night In Pensacola

The angry left:  "You don't have the right to say things or protest in ways that offend us. You're also NOT ALLOWED to disagree with us.  If you do, we will attack you and the press will side with us!"

Wow this is crazy.  And it happened yesterday afternoon right here in Pensacola, downtown Pensacola, Florida.

So about three dozen young, mostly white and primarily female protesters were marching around downtown in support of Abortion.  It was a "pro-abortion" rally.  Signs, banners, and chants.

Okay, fine.  I've seen this on Palafox and Garden over the last few weeks.  No issue.

After all--this is America and we enjoy the freedom of speech and assembly.  And peaceful protest is a uniquely American "thing" that others around the world do not enjoy (e.g. look what happens to protests of the government in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and/or Russia for stark examples of the difference between them and us--where some protesters there get "disappeared" or thrown off of buildings for demonstrating or expressing themselves).

So whether it is the pro-abortion folks doing what they do----OR the Pro Life folks doing what they do--complete with graphic and bloody post-abortion photos---they both have the right to protest PEACEFULLY.    Peaceful protest is a right we enjoy in America--NO MATTER WHAT the topic or subject.  And protesters have the right to NOT be harassed and they also DO NOT have the right to bully, intimidate, or harass those who are present to watch--or even potentially DISAGREE peacefully.  

That's the way the bill of rights is supposed to work.

Now, not wanting to wade into hot-button topics here (and I won't) I will simply say that not all protests are equal, though. NOPE.   And the coverage of these protests are definitely NOT EQUAL by the left-leaning, dishonest, and compromised media. (e.g. the summer of 2020 riots around the country resulted in $Billions of dollars in property damage, hundreds of police injuries nationwide, and several dozen deaths of citizens.  And the national press downplayed those events, ignored them, justified the reasons for them while attacking the political "right" wing, and/or flat out lied characterizing them as "mostly peaceful"--which is dishonest and we all know it.)

Contrast that with a few dozen right wingers who planned a protest in Idaho and the national media immediately arrests them and tells you they were "planning a riot!" and drops the hammer of judgement on them.  Apparently, one of them had a "smoke bomb."  Then, a few dozen protesters in Boston marched with American flags, peacefully, down the famous Freedom Trail and they are immediately denigrated by that city's mayor, police chief and national news with David Muir deridingly referring to them ---with a "serious look" on his face--- as dangerous "white nationalists."  ABC NATIONAL covered it as an Alarming act of white supremacy!  What??  Wait--so if I carry an American flag and walk a trail that is the definition of "white supremacy?"  When is 4th of July going to be cancelled??!!?? 

Meanwhile, they (National media) all but ignored Antifa riots all around the nation in 2020 where actual weapons were being used (not smoke grenades) on police and national guardsmen, people were being assaulted and killed,  and buildings were being burned to the ground....

Talk about a weird double standard and selective coverage (and outrage).

And do not misunderstand me--I am NOT making light of the situation that occurred on January 6th when that protest became a riot and laws were broken.  Those that broke the law in that instance should be punished and charged appropriately--so this post is NOT a defense of the lawless component of that day.

But, I digress.   

Meanwhile, back in Pensacola on Palafox street last night, this happened.

As the Pensacola pro-abortion protesters marched by a group of three men, who were simply bystanders, one of the pro-abortionists looked over at them and said "Do you support a woman's right to choose?"  to which the group of three did not respond.  Growing more beligerant-the same protester raised his voice "Do you support us!!"  to which the group of three ignored the comment.  The protester then ratcheted up the tone saying "I assume by your silence you Don't support a woman's right to choose!" to which one of the three men there just watching resonded "I support Life."  Now this agitated the protester, who trailed off from his group and  began yelling and screaming obnoxiously at the three citizens who were simply there by happenstance walking through downtown.  These three men, who were only and simply standing and watching---then backed away and walked the other direction, west on Government street, as they were headed to a different establishment to have a cocktail.  "Have a nice day" one of the three men said back to the yelling, agitated, apoplectic pro-abortion protester.  This really set the protester off, though, and he commenced an even more vile and offensive verbal tirade on the three men, with expletives I won't print here.  Meanwhile, the three men just kept walking the other way.  The one man of the three who had a brief exchange with the pro-abortionist grew mildly agitated at this point, even as he walked away, and so he briefly turned back to the still-yelling and following protester, made eye contact,  and yelled back at him "Your mother should have aborted you!"  Which actually muted the protester--who was (literally and figuratively) a much smaller man.  He mused something inaudibly as he scurried back to his group of pro-abortion protesters--who were by this point marching ahead and away from him.  And the three men then continued on to their destination establishment to have a beverage.  (By the press's new apparent standard--the bystander who stood his ground and verbally responded would/should probably be characterized as "aggressive, dangerous, threatening, and provocative" and summarily arrested, LOL.)

So yes,  the contrast and hypocrisy is astounding.  Peaceful protesters (who do not engage, harass, or

bully bystanders) quietly marching and carrying American flags are denounced and denigrated.

The angry left, on the other hand, actually get aggressive, bully, and attack peacful bystanders.  And get a pass from the media.

Yes, this happened in Pensacola yesterday.  But it's happening all over the country which is what the most sobering aspect of the problem is.

I guess we don't get to enjoy our freedom of speech and assembly anymore unless it is something the left approves of and is not offended by.  But wait---------I thought free speech and free assembly were rights specifically afforded to folks who want to express ideas and viewpoints that are sometimes ugly, disgusting, and not popular.  I mean, if it is a milqutoast, non-offensive topic--who needs "freedom to express it?"  Really, is the left and the press now the self-annointed guardians of what can be said and what topics can be included in peaceful protests?(rhetorical)

Answer:  Only if you stand by, do nothing, and allow it.


Alice Hurst Neal said...

I won't get into all of that but I will say that I saw them yesterday and thought some of the signs were hilarious. If I hadn't been running late for an appointment, I would have circled back and got pictures. lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, It seems some people are of the mind set that if you disagree you are wrong and to be essentially deleted rather than to celebrate the differences and learn from each other.
People have become uncouth and ill mannered.
I find. It best to avoid those types and to protect myself.
I think free speech means you have the right to redress your government.

The older I get the less need I have to argue.

I'm pro death. I support the right to abortion but also think there should be an express lane to the death penalty.

Pretty neat vasectomies are being performed in record numbers.

The less people the better.

You can find alternative sources to media, or turn it off and do something constructive,

Anonymous said...

well, well, well...just ignore the lame stream media and do more constructive burry your head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore the CCP who will force you to speak their language soon...No thank you. The left is violent, angry , irrational and illogical. They are all weak: mentally, physically, spiritually, morally. Let's face it, most of the aborted children are of color and from liberal if you're pro-life, you protect these people...If you're pro choice, what does that make you? At the very least, angry and violent...Now to the protestors: go smoke more weed and chill out, or get more paranoid and angry. Whatever makes you happy. Just don't tread on me.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad when I was about 7 years old my Mom explained sex and where babies come from, how to prevent pregnancy, menstruation and how if you get in a passionate situation with a boy logic may go out the window so be prepared. etc. She also passed down the values that children are to be conceived in wedlock.

Of course, in life some thing don't happen as planned and some birth control can fail and an unwanted child can have serious consequences on many including society in general.

I did not follow every argument in the recent Supreme Court decision but I think, they simply returned the abortion issue to local governments as our Constitution really did not speak to this basic right.

If all these girls screaming about my rights, would seek to understand rather than to be understood they might figure it out.

But really the way they act is a form of birth control in itself.

Melissa Pino said...

"Contrast that with a few dozen right wingers who planned a protest in Idaho and the national media immediately arrests them and tells you they were "planning a riot!"

For the record:

--"a few dozen" = 31 men in matching riot gear who arrived in Coeur d’Alene from 12 different states

--"right wingers" = Patriot Front, an ultra extremist cell that broke from the White Nationalist group Vanguard America in the wake of the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, and is now one of the most active and avowed white supremacist groups in the nation, with a manifesto that claims the following: "An African may have lived, worked, and even been classed as a citizen in America for centuries, yet he is not American. He is, as he likely prefers to be labeled, an African in America."

--"the national media immediately arrests them" = the 31 members of Patriot Front were arrested not by the media, but immediately upon their discovery in the back of a UHaul by the Idaho police, after those police had partnered with the FBI in surveilling the Idaho branch for a year, including tracking their various acts of vandalism.

--"tells you they were "planning a riot!" = properly informed the public that they were indeed planning a riot, which is why they were charged with conspiracy to plan a riot.

Melissa Pino said...

"Then, a few dozen protesters in Boston marched with American flags, peacefully, down the famous Freedom Trail and they are immediately denigrated by that city's mayor, police chief and national news with David Muir deridingly referring to them ---with a "serious look" on his face--- as dangerous "white nationalists."

For the record:

-"a few dozen protesters in Boston" = approximately one hundred masked members of Patriot Front

-"marched with American flags" = marched with not just American flags but also shields and Patriot Front flags, visible in hundreds of photos of the event, and clearly identified by the symbols of an upright fasces (the emblem of fascist Italy that conveys the power of the magistrate) surrounded by thirteen stars

-"peacefully" = an altercation between a group of them and a single black man, who was knocked to the ground, received cuts to the head, and required stitches in his hand

-"immediately denigrated by that city's mayor, police chief and national news" = the mayor, the police chief, and the national news rightfully deriding white nationalist activity, and the Suffolk District Attorneys office working with the Boston Police's Civil Rights unit to identify participants and review video of the alleged assault

-"David Muir deridingly referring to them ---with a "serious look" on his face--- as dangerous "white nationalists." = David Muir properly referring to them as white nationalists, and actually downplaying the fact that they are avowed white supremacists, whose own manifesto states the following: "From the varied nations and cultures of Europe a new nation was forged in the flames of conquest. E Pluribus Unum was the new creed that bound our people together with their pan-European identity as Americans" and "A new tyranny must be met with a new resistance. America needs a generation of brave men to fearlessly rise to face all threats to their collective interests. A generation steeled in their effort to realize their grand vision of a new nation. This gathering of the faithful -- the true inheritors of America -- will urge our people onward."

Melissa Pino said...

"the situation that occurred on January 6th when that protest became a riot and laws were broken. Those that broke the law in that instance should be punished and charged appropriately"

For the record, that includes Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Rudy Guliani, Michael Flynn, Mo Brooks, Barry Loudermilk, John Eastman, various members of the Proud Boys and other militia and white supremacist groups, and a whole host of others being indicted and tried for the highest crime against our constitutional republic, conspiracy to sedition.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Melissa Pino--You totally missed the essence of this post, it flew right over your head like a Blue Angel Jet you couldn't hear. Bottom Line: Whether it is a group with whom you disagree OR a group with whom you strongly support--in America either group has the right to peacefully protest. Peacefully. But when some media "darling" groups that tend to be left leaning destroy cities around the country and also become violent in their counter protests--those groups get a pass from the media and the left. Other groups that lean to the right want to peacefully protest with American Flags and they are denigrated. And Attacked verbally and physically. The Left is trying to stifle free speech in this country with a new "buzzword" that is not found in the constitution: "Hate Speech" Guess what? Hate Speech --while I don't condone it personnaly--is PRECISELY what the first amendment is there for and there to protect. Remember, milquetoast, passive, and "happy" speech needs no protection. So you might be a hypocrite if you hyper-focus on the "what" is being protested rather than the "right" to protest which we are ALL, ALL of us, guaranteed under the constitution. And so to end this point--of course I am pro-life--but I don't condone the giant pictures of aborted babies cut to pieces plastered on vans in downtown Pensacola. But guess what--they have the right to put those pictures up. And bystanders have the right to not be intimidated, bullied, or harassed by someone who is pro-abortion and wants abortion on demand up to 40 weeks of pregnancy. It's not about the "What" Melissa--it's about the "Right" to protest. And nothing else.

Melissa Pino said...

Commissioner Bergosh, I understood your point completely.

Your message, however, unfortunately mirrored the bias you were trying to demonstrate against left leaning media by coloring facts with inaccurate statements about Patriot Front "peaceful" protests. I was left wondering if you actually understood what had happened in those two instances, or were going of the mal-information of right wing shock jocks who are feeding the republican base with hogwash by the minute and downplaying the screaming threat of white nationalism and supremacy, which federal agencies recognize as our number one security concern in this country right now.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the media didn't post the videos of the people flying the Communist flags and the groups marching in Charlottesville in about 2015. There are drone videos of the scene.

People using the words white supremacy are simply following an agenda that has been in the works for decades to take down western civilization, to cause it to crumble from with in.

Melissa Pino said...

Thank God for the courage of people who used to be caught up in the right-wing death cult describing how they fell into it, and why they got out, at the January 6th hearing yesterday.

Former Oath Keeper's Spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove's testimony was profoundly moving. He described the organization he joined after he showed up as a journalist to cover the Bundy standoff in Montana as escalating

"further and further right — into the alt-right world, IINTO WHITE NATIONALISTS AND EVEN STRAIGHT-UP RACISTS and it came to a point where I could no longer continue to work for them (my emphasis)."

The moment he realized he had to get out is when he walked into a grocery store and heard members of his organization spewing about how the Holocaust wasn't real. He drove home and told his wife that they had to leave, now, stating "That was something I couldn't abide."

He also issued very stark warnings about the GOP's propagandist mission to sugarcoat groups like the Oath Keepers as anything other than what they are: a white supremacist militia hell-bent on gaining power as a para-military organization through violent means. He also testified to the involvement of Trump, his administration, his advisors, and advisors such as Roger Stone and Steve Bannon in orchestrating the insurrection with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and warned of the consequences for para-military violence if Trump gets reelected.

In other words, it was a planned insurrection and attempted coup, just as many of us recognized as we watched it go down in real time.

His full testimony is here:

Melissa Pino said...

Typo above, where I mentioned Trump's advisors twice. The first mention was supposed to be Trump's lawyers Giuliani, Powell, and Eastman, who were of course knee deep in his seditious conspiracy.

Worse still, former White House Council Pat Cipollone's testimony was very damning for Trump and his fellow seditionists, and contained the appalling information that Trump tried to unilaterally gift Sidney Powell special counsel status--and give her security clearance.

Melissa Pino said...

Typo above, where I mentioned Trump's advisors twice. The first mention was supposed to be Trump's lawyers Giuliani, Powell, and Eastman, who were of course knee deep in his seditious conspiracy.

Worse still, former White House Council Pat Cipollone's testimony was very damning for Trump and his fellow seditionists, and contained the appalling information that Trump tried to unilaterally gift Sidney Powell special counsel status--and give her security clearance.

Anonymous said...

Congress should be working and let J6 go. They have a country to run.

Anonymous said...

The GOP was planning to have the election Jan 6, 2020, go to a contingent election under the authority of the 12th ammendment to the Constitution of the USA. It has happened historically before.

Mob prevented an orderly assembly. Speaker of the house reassembled and blew the contingent out of water.

Biden was sworn in a few weeks later.

The usual suspects are continuing political drama for power the Democratic by with the J6 committee.


George Washington, said basically... "You have one job, no parties". We blew it.
Simple as that.

Move on. Next.

Anonymous said...

Some people can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...

And furthermore the soialist/ Soros adherants got their guy in the WH, How's that going?

The riots of summer 2020 were to sign people up to vote Democrat.

Trump had filed an EO called the insurrection act back in about 2018 but it was challenged as abuse of power and soros lawyers had filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court challenging it. The Brennan Law center is involved with the socialist attorneys which filed the amicus.

True people were summoned to Wash8ngton via Twitter not knowing if POTUS was going to evoke the EO.

Power struggles in high places.

We have one vote.

Back to the main point of the post.

Most wise people aren't going to scream at the top of their lungs in public.

They contemplate what is going on and has, and perhaps what they can do about it or not.

The loudest voice in the room seldom has processes what is happening because they are to busy talking and feeding their confirmation bias.