
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I'll Be On 1370 WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen" Later this Morning at 7:20


Host Rick Outzen of 1370 WCOA's smash-hit, top-rated in the market morning drive radio program, "Real News with Rick Outzen"--has once again invited me on the show later this morning to discuss yesterday's BCC meeting.

I'll be on at 7:20.

As was widely covered in the press yesterday afternoon, the Board of County Commissioners voted by a 4-0 margin (Underhill stormed out of the meeting before the vote) to ask the Governor to look into multiple citizen complaints about Doug Underhill abandoning his district, his residence, and by action of that --his office.

I'm certain the conversation later this morning will be all about that.

Tune in to the show live, and I will post the podcast later this morning here.


Anonymous said...

Please get us out of this black hole.

Anonymous said...

A mirror on a plaque would be fitting, for real.

Anonymous said...

Doug has been ineffective for sure but this is just more petty BS. There are serious issues in our county that the BOCC fails to address year in and year out. More smoke and mirrors. Our budget is a mess, there is NO strategic plan for anything let alone infrastructure. Man up and deal with the issues. He will be gone in November

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 5:54--not petty BS at all, and this guy will be gone in three months--or sooner--but in that time he can create a lot of costly problems, consternation, and mayhem. As to your other point--I believe you are wrong. Our budget is balanced, we grew this economy and we have given significant raises to our employees and historic level raises to our first responders. Don't be so gullible to believe what a few malcontents on one site tell you; they are derranged and detached from reality. We have a nice sized reserve in our general fund, our LOST fund is raking in cash at a historic rate, our 1/2 cent sales tax revenue exceeds $30 Million, and our purchasing department is putting more projects out the door and onto the street for the benefit of citizens than at any other time in history. We are in the process of cleaning up the jail debacle, and we FINALLY have a solid leadership team in Wes Moreno and his staff who have rolled up their collective sleeves and are getting down to business. Things are looking better than they have in a while--so I don't knowhat alternate universe you are watching. Again, don't believe the left-leaning PNJ's assessment-they get it wrong 85% of the time--remember, Doug is their favorite commissioner and they hate the other four of us--the ones who do our jobs. No, they LOVE the one guy with lawsuits, ethics charges, censures, federal investigations, perjury charges, etc. etc. I'm bullish on the future once we finally have a *normal human in D2 after the election. But meanwhile--dealing with the guy in there now is not petty BS. Remember that if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

"and we FINALLY have a solid leadership team in Wes Moreno and his staff who have rolled up their collective sleeves and are getting down to business."

Moreno is the INTERIM administrator. Temporary. Not permanent. The county has retained a firm to search for a new administrator. Where are we at in that process?

Anonymous said...

What a waste of your focus Jeff Bergosh! I wouldn't approve of my kid acting like yall do. Instead, why don't you get out and drive through your new district with the never ending construction delays by Roads Inc. causing traffic back up for 1/2 mile, pot hole laden roads, roadsides filled with litter, no upkeep of roadsides and tree trimming along major corridors, etc. If we have all this money, why aren't things getting better for all of the citizens that provide the money - where is the infrastructure and the pressure to get things done? Instead you all want to sit and fight over things that we citizens could care less about - we want to see results not mud slinging! Grow up!

Anonymous said...

Still one of the poorest counties in florida. Lag behind neighboring counties in every economic measure, our EMS response times are horrific, no infrastructure plan, outsourced economic development, high crime and drugs. BOCC spending time patting themselves on their backs while the county languishes