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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Blue Angels "Cockpit-Experience" Hitting the Road Soon!

Blue Angels "Cockpit Experience" 7-25-2022 NAS Pensacola

Blue Angels "Cockpit Experience" 7-25-2022 NAS Pensacola

National Aviation Museum foundation Vice President Cindy McCalip invited me out to NAS Pensacola Sherman Field yesterday for an exclusive first look at an attraction that has been in the works for the last 3 years....The Blue Angels Cockpit Experience!
Now--I must say upfront that NOTHING compares with an actual ride in an F-18--which I was fortunate to experience in 2012 when I was invited to ride with the Blues as the Chairman of the School Board and community Key Influencer.  That was one of the most amazing rides in my life.  Very funny  Video here. of my 2012 flight......

But this cockpit experience is pretty awesome in it's own right---most especially because it will be shared with tens of thousands of fans (or more) who more than likely will never get to ride in the real F-18.

The attraction will also be a way to bring the museum to the people--as this interactive flight demonstration experience will be brought to locations all around the country, in conjunction with Blue Angels shows, to let citizens experience the cockpit of an F-18 Super Hornet in person.

Blue Angels "Cockpit Experience"
7-25-2022 NAS Pensacola
Those who come to the cockpit experience will sit in an exact replica of an F-18 cockpit and experience a 2 minute "mission" from the vantage point of the cockpit.  It has all the buttons, tabs, switches, gagues, and other electronics of an actual cockpit, I'm told.

"If I pull this, will I get launched for the bonus ride?" I quipped as I pointed to the ejection strap between my legs on the seat.  Obviously, none of these gagues or switches work.  But I couldn't resist asking.....

The cockpit was manufactured in Germany and shipped back to America earlier this year "After an extended delay in New York due to customs there" according to museum staff.  The trailer was built in Indiana and the entire attraction was just recently completed/assembled in Chicago and returned to NAS Pensacola--where it sits under a tent on the tarmac, very near where the restored F-4 Phantom Jet (which will be a feature of the soon to be constructed General Chappie James memorial) is parked currently.

Staff also discussed how this attraction will function as an ambassador to and for the Pensacola area.  "That truck is going to be wrapped and decorated/painted with 'Visit Pensacola' logos and iconic features like the Pensacola Beach 'Beachball' watertower and it is going to say something along the lines of 'follow me to Pensacola!'" the staff explained.  "Lots of folks don't know Pensacola is the home of the Blue Angels so we want to promote that and also promote this area at the same time" staff explained.

The goal will be to work together with Visit Pensacola on getting this attraction out and visiting places all around the country.  According to staff, a full time driver and attraction attendant/curator have already been hired and the "rig" is set to make it's debut in Chicago at the Chicago Airshow later this year.

"Whenever we take it out on the road it gets LOT's of attention--folks waving, smiling and honking" McCalip said.  

What a great way to let people learn about the Blue Angels  AND our area at the same time!  Goodwill, a great story for a great institution and a great community!

Blue Angels "Cockpit Experience" 7-25-2022 NAS Pensacola

Blue Angels "Cockpit Experience" 7-25-2022 NAS Pensacola

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The museum couldn't find any local vendors for this project?