
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

On 1370 WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen" Later this Morning at 7:10

I've once again been invited to appear later this morning on the area's best, most influential and highest-rated morning drive news talk program--"Real News with Rick Outzen" on 1370 WCOA.  Today's topic--how the silent overdose epidemic is quietly destroying our community.....


I've been invited to appear later this morning on the area's #1 rated and most influential morning drive radio program, "Real News with Rick Outzen" on 1370 WCOA (the area's best, most informative local and dependable news/talk station with the best lineup of hosts).  

The topic of conversation will, according to host Rick Outzen who invited me on, be my Saturday afternoon Blog Post describing last Thursday's Mental Health Task Force meeting -- an event that received virtually no press coverage despite the fact that some alarming information was disseminated during that meeting.  Some alarming, disturbing data as well as some positive progress on some fronts was announced at the Thursday task force meeting. (One article did eventually publish 3-days later, on Sunday, in the PNJ---- after my Saturday blog post--- and only on one relatively small aspect of the discussion when the totality of the meeting's content is/was considered.

The fact of the matter is the situation with respect to overdoses is so dire in Escambia County right now--that meeting should have been live-streamed on WEAR AND PNJ's facebook page(s) --that's how important this information is to the community.

But, sadly, that meeting came and went like a redwood falling in the forest that nobody heard.  Kudos to Rick for seeing the blog post and spotlighting this issue on his popular show later this morning.  I can't wait to discuss these problems.

When the podcast is sent to me, I will link it here.

7:10AM on 1370.


Anonymous said...

You two talking to each other and fawning all over each other about how great his show and the BOCC are is nothing more substantive than mutual masturbation.

Melissa Pino said...

Commissioner Bergosh, did they make the mental health task force meetings public? Because they've been closed door up until this point without the public being able to watch or participate. When something is set up by design for non-transparency, it's not surprising that it doesn't receive a lot of notice, which is pretty much the point of holding things out of the sunshine.

Anonymous said...

It is good you have someone in the area who will report on local government initiatives and programs fairly and that you as Chairman of the Board get the word out.

What happened to the people hired being paid tax payer funds to communicate to the public. You should utilize them to disseminate information to the public via all channels and publications.

Use your staff for what we are paying them to do. Have them send info to WEAR, PNJ, NE, McKay, Outzen, and so on.

Anonymous said...

They constantly stroke each other's ego. It sort of twisted relationship they have.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 12:24--I think you are speaking about that Facebook Chat site where it's one commissioner and his water-carriers doing what you describe--which is, yes, very strange. Meanwhile--were you dropped on your head as an infant once too many times? Serious question. Anonymous 7:51--yes, it is twisted the mutual fascination/adoration due of Andrew Tallman and his superstar Doug. Very twisted and strange.