
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Another Sad Loss to Drugs in Escambia County, This one a Military War Veteran

Escambia County lost another soul to a drug overdose late last week--this one a combat veteran.

I heard the terribly sad news over the weekend from a friend that another illegal drug overdose in Escambia County had taken another life.  Apparently and sadly-after hearing from the District 1 Medical Examiner on multiple occasions recently about this same topic--this appears to be an all-too-familiar occurrence.

Every loss of a human life is a tragedy of immense proportions, every one of these individuals leaves behind friends, family, loved ones and most of all ---a host of unanswered questions and unimaginable grief. 

This particular individual was a military veteran who struggled with substance abuse since serving in combat in the middle east and being injured there.  He suffered, but he was working through the addiction; he was in programs to assist him in re-integrating back into work and away from the drugs and the criminal justice system.  

But the addiction was simply too strong, it appears.

Because sadly, after an acquaintance failed to hear from him for several days--worry began to mount.

No contact for several days via cellphone, no returned text messages.

So on Thursday of last week concerned friends entered his apartment with the assistance of the property manager.

And sadly, this individual was found dead of an apparent drug overdose.  It appears he had been dead for a number of days.

Was it fentanly mixed with Heroin?  Something else?  

No one knows-- and an investigation will have to determine exactly what it was that took his life.  

But this is an epidemic in our community, and this individual is yet another example of this.

When will we overcome our addictions to these illegal drugs in the United States of America and right here in Pensacola Florida?  

Or more importantly-- can we and will we?

(There are things everyday citizens can do to help curb the overdose increases we see locally.  If you know someone who struggles with addiction and who uses drugs, you can save them from an overdose if you have NARCAN.  Learn about NARCAN, how it can save lives, and how you can get NARCAN FREE right here in Pensacola, by visiting this website.)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for shinning some light on this crisis, and for mentioning NARCAN. If it’s used in time it strips the opiates from the brain receptors and immediately reveres it.
Dealers are cutting heroin with fentanyl and using pill presses to make OxyContin tablets (roxies) but it’s actually straight fentanyl.

Anonymous said...

"No one knows-- and an investigation will have to determine exactly what it was that took his life."

and yet, you announce it was a drug overdose on your blog.

Anonymous said...

8:30 it is a drug overdose, they’re just waiting for the toxicology report to determine the type of drug used.

Anonymous said...

Bergosh doesn't write this blog

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:48, they make meds for severe paranoia like yours.

Anonymous said...

He sure seems to be dumbing it down to Melissa Pino's approval by only allowing certain comments, so maybe she is the gatekeeper. Her and all her fake accounts. Maybe he's a sell out himself.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she will pull a Chase R./ Morgan act and pull out. I doubt her ego can stand only getting about 5 votes.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon1:48--Of course I write this blog? Who else do you think it would be? Anon 11:11 has it right, and Anon 8:30 misses the whole concept. So let me explain it: I wrote enough to tell the story, but I didn't include some additional details about the scene of which I am aware that point to the death being an overdose. Does that clear it up such that you understand it? If not, I can't help you. Anon 4:59--Several comments were unrelated to this topic and were held in moderation because of that only. And Back to Anon 1:48, it's me writing this response.

Anonymous said...

"I wrote enough to tell the story, but I didn't include some additional details about the scene of which I am aware that point to the death being an overdose"

isn't that what you complain about the PNJ? are you the pot or the kettle?

Anonymous said...

Oh god here we go again with Pino on the brain syndrome. You’re dumbing us all down with your obsessive comments..Ask your doctor if Thorazine is right for you.

Anonymous said...

A very good man is dead but the psychos from ECW only want to make personal attacks. Typical.

Anonymous said...

Instead of wasting precious life spreading hate, support AHERO foundation, or find another way to help the community to do some good with your lives.

Anonymous said...

1:48 Nancy Paranoia can be a symptom or a sign of a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. 7 Paranoia or paranoid delusions are fixed false beliefs and are considered one type of psychotic symptom.

Anonymous said...

To the ECW trouble makers, do you know how disrespectful you’re being? Do you know that his family might be reading this blog and see that all you care about is causing more hate with stupid accusations about the blog? Grow the hell up. This veteran gave his life for your freedom and all you do is spread more hate behind your computer. Gutless keyword warrior.

I’ll pray for this veteran’s family. He sacrificed his life for our country in many ways.

Dave Glassman does a great job with AHERO foundation. My hats off to him for the work he does to help many struggling veterans.