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Three locally-elected officials are working on a project to construct a pedestrian overpass over Hwy 90 in Beulah--which could look similar to this one, above, from North Carolina... |
Because of Hurricane Ida and the closure of the County--we had to cancel our planned press conference that was supposed to take place at 4:30 yesterday.
Meanwhile, we had a good discussion on this topic and I appreciated the opportunity to be on the show.
Really cool/s Thanks for posting about something as irrelevant as the the nature trail FDOT thinga ma giggy and the beulah beltway thing that never happened.
'memeba that?
I know you don't like someone challenging you..so I won't. I'm venting with out saying anything much..
What I got from this is that you and Michelle are talking.
That's the best news.
I think the thing we need to be concentrating on is COVID and the schools and the really stupid things Corcoron and DeSantis are doing, I know enough -- you were on the school board and she was PTA. I also know you both aren't stupid.
I get you like to stay away from major controversy.. but I can read between a line.
and post off topic..
Gulf County closed the schools down for the week, TODAY --guess why?
I'll give you three guesses
It wasn't because people were asking the age old question --- why did the chicken cross the road.
Or maybe they are...
Anonymous: Challenge me all you want. The skyway over Nature Trail that Navy Federal Credit Union wanted for the exclusive use of their employees--yeah, that never happened. And that is a good thing---it was a ridiculous idea, a $74 Million Dollar fiasco of an idea that got laughed out of the room in Tallahassee when it was broached there. Dead and gone, which is good because it wouldn't have helped that situation anyway, it would have simply pushed the traffic pinch down the road on 9-Mile Road about 100 Yards East. Dumb idea that died. About the Interchange, yes it hasn't happened yet, but it is moving forward and picking up speed. In fact this year, the work will go into the FDOT 5-year plan with state Rescue Plan money, that is what is happening now on that, it is getting a big push. I know some folks think nothing is happening if they don't see anything happening, folks that are glib. But big projects require big planning behind the scenes and many years to get off the ground. Stay tuned to current events anon, and remember that if you are glib on a topic, it doesn't mean everyone else is. Now, to the topic at hand--overpass for student safety and sidewalks: Yes, this is a good idea and this area desperately needs better pedestrian infrastructure so we push forward with that. And finally, COVID. Yes we know we are in a tough spot, but we are doing what we can. Testing, vaccinations, and we are encouraging folks to get vaccinated. But when 6 out of 10 residents in Escambia County are not vaccinated fully---it's hard for us to stop the Delta train. You do understand this, right? Think horses and water (no, not the horse de-wormer). Think. We are offering vaccinations at multiple locations and we even now give the choice of which of the three vaccines to take. We can lead the horse to water, but we can't make him drink. And the school issue---that is a school board and DOE decision on how to handle. I will say this: For the VAST majority of young students---going to school is not unsafe. What is unsettling is the TREMENDOUS back-sliding students do when they are not in school receiving in-person learning. It is devastating. So be paranoid, be concerned if you want--the rest of us are using our brains, pushing forward, taking measured risks based upon science, not paranoia and left-centric politics. Challenge me anytime, I will always have a cogent response for you. :)
Good level response. Thank you. That is a nice walkway and Rep. Saltzman seems to be a great partner.
I'm trying to leave ideology, emotion (except when I don't), party and bias out of the COVID observations about the schools as well as I can and am learning along the way.
The health decisions for the schools should originate with the Department of Health with recommendations to the Department of Education.
I think during a time of a public health crisis of a contagion in our midst the role of government should be more hands on than hands off.
A politician should not be dictating the policy at a higher level and hamstringing the DOH or the DOE.
A study of the laws and history proves interesting. Last night PNJ put up a short video.
The public response and psychology/ sociology of all this has also been a short study. Look up vaccine hesitancy. The internet has made this worse and false info has spread, among other things that contribute to "the horse refusing to take a drink"
A court order has rendered that executive order illegal and the DOE under the director is fining the districts anyway for taking common sense measures for masks to be required. Wrong. I think the Governor and director of DOE have made a fatal (pun intended) error there.
In past outbreaks people trusted the CDC and the FDA and mandated vaccines and public measures and the states took their advice and complied. Most of the public did also. That's why smallpox and polio, and other "child hood diseases" are practically eradicated or not a problem.
I understand that in person school is important but I think DeSantis cited a study in his order about masks that is incorrect, or one sided. I read the EO on the DOE web site. I think in this case he over stepped his bounds and made a mistake in the science.
On the same hand the President of the USA is making a decision about vaccine boosters that the scientists at the FDA didn't approve. As a personal note I will take the booster when they suss that out. I believe in science and am intrigued by this entire ordeal.
I think it is appropriate for vaccines to be mandated at schools once FDA approves them. It is approved for ages 16 and up and the CDC recommends 12 and up to get them so the vaccine mandates may come later when they approve them for all ages. again the FDOH and the FDOE will need to be on board and not thwarted by the executive branch of the state.
It's happening in other states already. The are taking the recommendations of the health experts which is appropriate.
People should take this seriously and do their part, even if that is really not their "job"
Educating the public about this is important.
How many times do we have to say. Get a vaccine, Wear a mask. Social distance.
In this case, personal choices do not supercede the common good of the public health and safety-- Not during a pandemic. It's the law.
A measured, educated, coordinated response is in order. Rule of law. This isn't our first rodeo.
Some of those thoughts put on facebook by me were shut down and removed.
I usually don't argue much on facebook but since I decided to try to discuss this in public venues, the last few days, my post have been reported as spam,
I've been put in facebook jail, last night I was locked out of my account.
I have had about five community standard violations just for saying something like the above post.
I need my facebook because I'm in a tiny group that I communicate with my family spread across the state.
So Democrats don't want people to show an ID to vote. Republicans don't want people to prove they are inoculated against a pathogen. Maybe growing up in the military --having to show ID and passports and up to date shot records disqualifies me from making sense of USA politicians. I also thought we were living the dream judging people by character not color. The more I look the less sense it all makes.
What happened to kids on safety patrol helping the others cross the street? Can kids cross the road anymore?
I just saw that DeSantis wants to fine vaccine passports. Great way to encourage vaccine reluctance and keep the pandemic raging.
I wonder what the FDOH thinks about that.
We certainly aren't living with the Greatest Generation mindset anymore. Wonder what's in store in the future with generation C??
I just have bit and pieces of info about the agenda review and didn't watch the video yet but will say:
the county needs to set up COVID policies to mitigate the spread and encourage vaccines and yes masks.
I have to realize you all don't understand all this, even with Bender thinking the booster is not the same as the original..but OK..
I do think the Governor is politicizing the COVID response, with one, handing out checks from the Fed government pretending it is from him, two, setting up the monoclonal antibody sites in the mostly republican counties and ignoring our mixed ideologies in Escambia, making bad mistakes with hamstringing the FDOH, and also fining for businesses mandating vaccinations. If he think he is playing to Republicans and they are all dumb, he is failing. True some are dumb, not all of them.
We wouldn't need these monoclonal sites if people would stop spreading this crap around.
His leadership is sucking. On a side note, even when these COVID surges subside, after some die, some get it, more get vaccinated, some of his dumb supporters will go along with his free to choose stance when he says people made their own choices. He is supposed to be governing not politicking and it is clear what he is doing. Call him out or go around him.
Perhaps Underhill will be absent from the meeting also. He doesn't come to the agenda review, probably because he is hung over, had to write something for Marlette to draw about the Pro bono law suit, which btw way, good job on that one.
haha I was correct about Marlette's new cartoon...from Underhill's mouth to Marlette's crayolas
Even better CENSURE... About time..Yeah!!!!!
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