
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

"Election Integrity" Form Letters Coming in Droves.....

The Flavor of the emails is:  Angry....

My County Commissioner Email inbox is getting inundated with "form" emails from all across the state--desperately seeking help in conducting a "full forensic audit" of the 2020 election.  

Each one is slightly different--these senders have obviously been coached not to do a "copy and paste" job.  Some have extensive lists of news-site links, some have personalized greetings, others discuss differing opinions on the validity of the software used in the election, but they all have one common ask:  A demand for a full and complete, forensic audit of Florida's 2020 election.

Here is the flavor of what these emails look like:

"Good morning,

 As a Florida voter, I am writing to express the many concerns I have about our past elections. 

 In particular, the Dominion (ES&S) voting machine software that was used throughout the state have been found to be easily hackable even when not online. Then, they transmit results via internet connection, leaving them wide open for hackers to have a field day. No election that uses computers to count votes is secure. Furthermore, because the machines are proprietary, they cannot be reviewed by We the People. We want transparency. How are we supposed to use blind faith and trust our most sacred constitutional right is secure?  We want proof our elections were safe.

 Additionally, the voter rolls are a mess and have been for a long time. Statistical analysis of voter rolls and registration, population increases, and historical voting trends revealed too many irregularities in counties across Florida, including Escambia, during the 2020 election. Florida canvassers have collected affidavits and found that a large number of deceased voted, phantom (no real person) voted, and people who did not reside at registered address voted. Recounts and partial audits do not catch all these errors. 

 Our elections should be held to the highest standard. We the People are expressing our desire for an independent and full forensic audit of all the paper ballots and machines to allow an opportunity to identify irregularities, provide explanation, and workout issues before the next election. I hope that we can count of your office to support the people’s will.  



Florida Voter"


Anonymous said...

What are your thought and opinions on this?

What do you think about the election 2020 and the Biden administration?

What do you know about other state's audits?

What is your position for an audit> Are these concerns valid?

Thank you for your reply.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Every election should be audited. My precinct at the fairgrounds using paper ballots. Are there any precincts in Escambia County that use all-digital no paper voting systems? If there are that is a serious concern for me. I do not trust a voting system with no paper trail

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon 2:27--Yes I have concerns, and yes I support enhanced scrutiny on the voter rolls and also I don't feel it is "voter surpression" to require photo ID for in-person voting. And no, I don't feel that requiring "drop-boxes" to be guarded is unreasonable, and no--I don't think it is helpful to carpet bomb everyone with mailed-out ballots --even when such ballots are not requested and no, I don't think we need a month's worth of "early voting." Some of those things lead to fraudulent votes being cast--which IS a problem. I simply feel the solution is for every state to enact the same sort of voter regulations to insure voter integrity as say, Delaware, has on the books. You know, the state where our President is from. How come nobody is screaming about Delaware's laws?