
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Whatever Happened to the Watchdog, Just the Facts, Public Service Print News of Years Past?

Like the proverbial "Dolphin in a Tuna Net" Fishing operations--today's print media appears to take a position of fire, ready, aim!--regardless of the ramifications. Regardless of the innocent by-catch. This is especially apparent locally with the Pensacola News Journal!

Where did it go? Whatever Happened to the Watchdog,  Just the Facts, Public Service Print News of Years Past?

These days, we have a press that increasingly appears to be compromised.   

At the national and local level.  

Averse to negative publicity, reactionary towards any criticism, and fickle politically.  And overly obsequious to their advertising base, to boot!

At the local level, I have seen some of the best and worst of journalism.

Some of the best comes from William Reynolds at  He publishes news pieces---just the facts-no spin, no "opinion."  He knocks it out of the park with his online paper.

While Rick Outzen and I have not always seen eye to eye---he tackles important stories and deals with them fairly and in a balanced way.  If not for his coverage of the shenanigans surrounding the Newpoint schools 5 years ago-----that issue may have never been cleaned up--and some folks that deserve to be in jail and are in jail currently probably would not be in jail!  He does a good job with his weekly paper.

And then we have the Pensacola News Journal--the "PNJ."

They Kowtow to their advertisers and put out some of the most putrid, disgusting rubbish you could imagine.

They go through staff like most folks change socks------ and they never do quite get the story right.

Fire, ready, aim must be their mantra--and folks locally are catching on to it.  

And believe me--the PNJ  loves to attack those of us that are elected locally trying their best to make our community better....yet they have their "favorites"---- that could commit murder and not get scrutinized in the pages of their "publication".  It is sickening, the duplicity....

But I digress.....

This evening,  I received more evidence of this feckless, weak and irrelevant print media PNJ..... I got a document dump from a public records request related to the County's  OLF-8 project (Which will be discussed tomorrow morning at a Board of County Commissioners Committee of the Whole meeting) where I have now found some incredibly disappointing emails related to the PNJ....... and it isn't surprising.....

Sadly--a team of designers that is supposed to be working for the county is apparently working at cross-purposes with us.  

That's bad enough..

But now I am seeing that along the way, this group of designers have been feeding stories to the Pensacola News Journal that run a narrative that puts us, the elected board of county commissioners, in a negative light.

So this, in and of itself, is deplorable.  But then there is the PNJ editorial board......that prints this garbage and doubles down on it!

The saddest part is the way they allow themselves to be manipulated.  

They are allowing a third party to provide the material for their stories--then apparently allowing these same folks to correct stories after publication.  Compliantly, like useful tools.

How sad.

But that's not even the saddest part.  The saddest part is the demeaning way in which the PNJ editor refers to one of her own employees in emails to folks outside their organization.  Really sad to see, and I feel sorry for this employee that such an opinion or assessment of her performance would be shared like this to someone in writing, outside her organization.  Totally unprofessional.

But again--getting back to the important topic at hand--the question remains the same:  Whatever happened to the watchdog, just the facts, public service print news of years past----looking out for the community and wanting to do what is right?

Answer---it's gone, does not exist anymore.  Everyone has an angle, everyone has an agenda.

There is no loyalty--------especially at the PNJ.

And good people and good employees get caught in the middle like Dolphins in the Tuna net.


Tom Jardine said...

I agree with your complaints against the PNJ and its dishonest editor, Lisa Savage. She should print the facts, then allow the readers to make their own judgments.

Instead, Ms. Savage deliberately distorts facts, then deliberately omits others. To me, that is a sure sign that she doesn’t respect her readers. Savage definitely abuses her office by attempting to manipulate public opinion to achieve her own selfish political objectives.

Her dishonesty disgusts me.

We need media reform in this country. There should be an ethics department at Gatehouse Media, but there does not appear to be.

Our dishonest media is eroding their credibility and hastening their own demise.

Rick Outzen’s newspaper is garbage. Several months ago, one of his “reporters”, Morrison, wrote a fake news piece attributing credit to dizzy Dianne Krumel for successfully lobbying the SRIA and the BCC to require a unanimous vote in order to increase the residential cap or change zoning on Pensacola Beach. What a giant joke!

I attended the SRIA workshop in the summer of 2019 in which Terry Preston made that proposal. Dianne was an audience member while Terry handed out her proposal to all in attendance - including dizzy Dianne.

Dianne actually railed against Grover Robinson in April 2018 when Grover advanced a resolution to accomplish the same objectives.

Dianne’s dizzy yellow shirts mocked and maligned Terry Preston - especially D2 candidate Melissa Pino. It was Pino’s dishonest attacks on Terry Preston that spurred me to join these local Facebook groups.

I witnessed everything. I had a front row seat.

Anonymous said...

what is the deal with Ricks Blog and the Beach Haven Boogie

Anonymous said...

I liked Savage’s email where it says Quint (Studer) called and reminded me (of stories I must cover no doubt) of the meeting. What else does Quint tell her to cover? You know, he controls the whole publication. Things that make you go Hmmmm. I’ve got to post anonymously as I work for him. Sorry.

Anonymous said...


Get those leases to where you pay your fair share into the coffers.

It one, is ridiculous the county ever allowed building permits or bridges to barrier islands and the department of the interior should have kept it as an pristine park but they put it in the county's hands and the greedy b*st*rds developed it.

To expect the citizens of the county to NOW give it to you in fee simple is yet another layer of absurd and greedy and who the hell would live on a barrier island anyway?

"Wise man builds his house upon a rock..Foolish man build his house upon the sand"

lil Sunday school singers know that..
Matthew 7:24-27

Tom Jardine said...

As I had stated in my previous comment: Rick Outzen’s newspaper is garbage. His reporter, Morrison, is clueless. Further, when I wrote Mr. Outzen to correct the record, Outzen did not even do me the courtesy of a reply. Typical.

The following is the message that I sent to Outzen.


I recently had the displeasure of reading Mr. Morrison’s one-sided account of the proposed Pensacola Beach ordinance. I found it to be distorted and distastefully biased.

First, it was Terry Preston of the Pensacola Beach Advocates who deserves the lion’s share of the credit for successfully lobbying the SRIA to propose a requirement of unanimity of the BCC in order to increase the building caps in the future. I know that for a fact! I was at the July SRIA workshop at which Terry submitted that proposal. Morrison erroneously credited Dianne Krumel with that achievement. I’m thunderstruck that Dianne did not correct the record!

Moreover, one could argue that solidifying the building cap on Pensacola Beach is the most beneficial aspect of the entire superfluous ordinance.

The failed fee simple legislation certainly would have resulted in increased tax revenue. Chris Jones estimated that Escambia County is forfeiting $1.6 million per year to perpetuate the outmoded lease system. Additionally, the fee simple legislation contained an added layer of federal protection to preserve the unleased portions of Santa Rosa Island. Grover Robinson was the architect of the preservations.

Escambia County citizens have LOST those annual revenues and have LOST that federal protection as a direct result of the machinations of Ms Krumel and her “yellow shirts”.

I have been a Pensacola Beach leaseholder for the past twenty five years; and as such, I had an excellent vantage point on the yellow shirts’ entire misguided and mendacious campaign. Dianne and her acolytes deliberately exploited the opaque nature of the fee simple issue in order to frighten and to confuse the good people of Escambia County. They bamboozled our citizens into believing that the public beachfront on Santa Rosa Island was going to be privatized and that a “condo canyon” was going to be built. The clear truth was that only the defined leased properties would be offered title, resulting in increased tax revenues and less opacity. Please explain how fee simple would have resulted in less public access. The public has no access to the leased properties today.

I always believed that your publication envisioned yourselves to be the alternative to the Pensacola News Journal. Morrison’s biased propaganda piece seemingly might have been written by Melissa Gabriel or Andy Marlette.

I’m very disappointed with your distorted, biased article.

Tom Jardine
Pensacola Beach

Anonymous said...

Work with Chris Jones and BCC to get the tax issue straightened out and have the lease holders pay their fair share of tax.

People did understand the issue.

Anonymous said...

The tax issue discrepancy was made clear at the Joint SRIA BCCC meeting, yet as far as I know it hasn't been remedied YET.

The ECTV video of the meeting is an eye opener. Why hasn't the tax burden between Escambia Citizens reached "equity" ?

Look it up, Watch the video, 12:41 It was June 2018.
Now that the at fee simple issue is MOOT, time to pay the piper, wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...