
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why is the BCC's Consulting Team Working Against the BCC? Part I


Take a look at this email, above.

It is one of many emails I requested and received today regarding the OLF-8 project.

It all started with posts I read in Rick's Blog.  He requested these OLF-8 related emails from DPZ ---a private company that is (allegedly) working for the County on helping to design a great plan for our OLF-8 property.

They (DPZ) didn't know (apparently) that their emails related to the county's project were public records under the Florida Sunshine law.  And so they stonewalled the initial request.  Eventually, they realized they had to comply and so they put together the emails and made them available.  And now I have copies, too. 

 And what I see as I go through these emails is what appears to be a deliberate attempt to discredit the board and the county's position.

At the meeting on January 7th I was attacked personally--and the DECADES long plan to create jobs at the OLF-8 field was attacked.  The BCC was excoriated by the very speakers that Travis Peterson, above, is encouraging.  Evan as the BCC pays his $200.00 per hour salary as a part of the DPZ team.

What gives?

So tomorrow morning I will have some questions for DPZ.  Like these:

Who do you consider your client to be?

Why are your team members assisting those that are actively working to discredit your client?

Why are you not being impartial and unbiased?

There are a lot more emails.  I'm going through all of them-----page by page, centimeter by centimeter.

Yes, I'm going to have some questions tomorrow.  

The first one is easy:  

Why is the BCC's Consulting Team Working Against the BCC?

more to come.....

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