
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Are We in Junior High School Again?

Using hearsay to create a strawman:  Are we back in Junior High School Again?

Last evening (after I went to bed) an email was sent to commissioners apparently leveling some accusations at three of us.  It was hearsay that appears to have been put into an email in order to create a record which, in turn, will no doubt make its way on to various chat sites later this morning...

But hearsay is just that.  Unreliable, unverified, unsubstantiated statements that rightfully elicit doubt.  That's why when judges instruct juries, they give them a primer on hearsay--how it is not to be considered except in very rare, exceptionally unusual circumstances.  (This hearsay at issue doesn't rise to this level)

Often, as I suspect will be the case here in this instance, this sort of hearsay is used to create a strawman, which is then subsequently used to attack the purported subject of the hearsay.  See how that works?

Certain media outlets have perfected and vaulted the informal fallacy of the "straw man" into an artform.  Local facebook chat sites and a dozen or so commenters also revel in this misinformation.

So this latest one, this email from 9:00 last night, suggests I said something disparaging about the Clerk of the Courts.  This is not true, I deny this fully, categorically.   it's a lie.  It's hearsay.  

The genesis for this hearsay email (sent out 4 full days after the meeting, no less) was a discussion on the 401(a) plan at last Thursday's meeting.  FULL DISCLOSURE:  I do not take this 401(a) plan, I have not signed on to this plan, it does not impact my FRS account at all.  I was vested in the FRS pension plan at the end of 2011 due to my service on the school board, before the FRS changed vesting timelines to 8 years after 2011, and before anyone else currently on the BCC Dais held any elected office.  So it's not about me, that's number one.

Number two is this:  The team on that dais, the five of us, the deciders, the BCC--we had already--- as a team ----talked through the issue and decided obtaining a written legal memorandum before proceeding was the way we were going to go.  Our debate on this topic was over, it ended when commissioner Barry pulled the motion and we moved forward in the agenda.

ONLY THEN did the clerk speak up.  After the debate had ended.  After the angst, the debate, and all discussion.  After the smoke cleared.  It was over.

And by the time she did speak, anything she added was superfluous to the discussion, anything she felt like saying was already a MOOT POINT, as again, the leadership team, the BCC had already as a group decided on a course of action.

Chairman Bender was being congenial in allowing her to be recognized after the issue had passed, in a very gracious gesture.  But she is the clerk, she is not and was not a decider on this issue.  If she disagrees with the attorney's opinion, she as clerk could seek her own opinion.  If the board votes for something for which she has a disagreement--she has certain methods at her disposal with which she can respond.

But chiming in after an agenda item was dropped and after no vote was taken and AFTER a leadership team decision was made....that WAS completely unnecessary.


Mel Pino said...

I found her claims in that email very odd, Commissioner Bergosh, because when you were leaving I asked you to come to the rail (on an unrelated issue pertaining to a potential grant), and you said something like "can't." I said something along the lines of it would be really quick, and you kept walking and said "I gotta go." I realized then that you were probably wanting to leave before there were any more theatrical fireworks, and that it was a foolish time for me to try to engage you when you were making brisk progress toward the door.

Per Pam's remarks, I couldn't help but wonder if they were in part made in the context of the board having recently voted to have the TDT funds audited. While I do not support the retroactive annuity pay out, for a variety of reasons--and stated that in my public remarks--it was clear that the issue had been properly handled by your request that there be two separate legal opinions on it, with case law, and Commissioner Barry understanding your desire for that and agreeing.

So it really was nothing more than political grandstanding on Ms. Childers's part, in my eyes. Nonetheless, she's a smart politician and knows there are various online sources who are more than happy to fan the flames on this for voters who really don't understand what happened. It was a smart political move on her part--and let's not forget, hers is every bit the political position that the commissionerships are. The email? Not so sure.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

The Underhills are really good at stirring up drama and conflict.

Anonymous said...

I thought you all passed as a board June 3 that public records would be released through the attorney's office. How did ECW and PNJ get this email? Duh

Stephen said...

If she's saying that she heard you say it, it's not hearsay; it's "admission by party-opponent."

Anonymous said...

When the Underhill et al do this sort of thing, it's usually to try to hide something they are up to. I bet it's these records being released. Wonder if twinkle in the eyes will publish these?

Anonymous said...

Is Pam related to WD?

"Everybody says they want us to behave like in church. But the truth is, they like to see a good scrap. The most productive things that happened when I was in the Legislature was when we had the most fights. … If you want to make progress and make changes, you've got to get people's dander up." WD Childers

People talk about the controversy but not his very long list of accomplishments.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Stephen- She didn't say she heard it. Read the PNJ article and how she doesn't say where she heard it or even if she heard it--it's simply thrown out as something that she reports "factually happened." Neither in her email nor in her statement to the PNJ does she say "I heard X,Y, and Z." So yes, it is/was hearsay. And, it is 4-day old hearsay by the time it percolates its way up to an email Sunday night. Meanwhile, back on Friday, you know, the day after the meeting, no mention of this to any staff. No phone call to me to ask. Nope. Just an email blast and the creation of a public record two nights later.......based upon hearsay.

Anonymous said...

memba when Underhill wrote on ecw you all were b#stards? maybe not

No one else does because you ignored it..

Fed up with the crazies of Pensacola said...

I feel like some county employees have put the citizens back in junior high with all the juvenile antics. The “he said she said”, “he called me a name”, “ohhhmmmmgggg did you see what so and so just said on Facebook” has become a 3 ring circus. I lose brain cells when I read comments on Pnj and Escambia County Citizens watch where the same handful of lonely adults act like 10 year olds. It makes me wonder if they’re being paid to sit online 24/7 to stir the pot and create hatred for certain commissioners. It’s always the same troubled commenters too on the news sites, Alex Arduini, Jacqueline Rodgers, Sean Billington, and district 2 commissioner Douglas Underhill and his dominating wife. Constantly stirring the pot like emotional high school misfits turned into obsessed stalkers. These folks need to get some fresh air, give their kids some much needed attention, get a job, or help someone in need. They need something to snap back to reality and out of Facebook la la land for the lonely and lifeless misfits of society.

Anonymous said...

It’s being said that Douglas Underhill gave the public records to someone illegally to post them online. Like he’s leaked documents before. To create a fuss to keep the administrator on the payroll and to diminish his past wrong doings so he can run for re-election.

Anonymous said...

Childers account of what took place is all hearsay and lies but what you, Barry, and May stated at the meeting that this was intentional negligence on the part of HR employees that were not named and based solely on your opinion without supporting evidence is indeed fact. Well, that is just creative.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Underhill probably leaked it.

Alex Arduini said...

It’s really sad that our Escambia County Board has allowed real disinformation to sway their opinions and now possible votes to remove our Administrator. The fact is, the ethics committee was not given the whole story when it was presented. You know this by reading their filing and watching the video of the hearing, the questions you asked during the meeting, the answer is No, the ethics committee does not know about the 3/3/2016 vote or the signed benefit forms. We shouldn’t be changing the subject away from the lost earnings settlement and subsequent unmasking attempts of a private citizen by the county.

Anonymous said...

Arduini, Doug is using you and everybody knows it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if someone reported this to Pam and if was an absolute lie.

Anonymous said...

In March of 2021, Commissioner Steve Barry and County Attorney Allison Rogers travelled to Tallahassee to obtain a legal opinion involving a retroactive funding of a 401a retirement plan from which you are eligible to benefit

When did the board direct its attorney to make this petition?
Were you aware that this petition was made on your behalf prior to its filing?
Does the BoCC have a policy describing the circumstances under which the County Attorney can provided legal services to individual board members without the approval or knowledge of the full board?
When and under what circumstances did you come to realize you would be eligible for a retroactive funding that might benefit your personal interest by hundreds of thousands of dollars?

According to the documents provided to the ethics board, you, in your capacity as a Commissioner, are not only eligible to participate in this “settlement,” but you, as board member, will also be determining the eligibility of other individuals on a case by case basis.

What criteria will you be using to determine this eligibility?
Will former board members and senior staffers be eligible for this pay-out? If not, why not?
What legal representation will claimants be entitled to and who will pay for it?

One last question.

According to the petition’s parameters, you would be eligible for a 6-figure, retroactive 401a pay-out that should not impact your current FSA pension status. Why would you forego such a large benefit if you believe that you (and the other claimants) are legally entitled to it?

Anonymous said...

Alex, it was between Commissioner Barry and the ethics committee to ask for an opinion. It is an elected official's right to request an opinion and it is supposed to be private unless they say the info can be released.

It is a path forward for one to find out whether they can go forward with an idea they have. It really is a shame how many people get on this bandwagon stirred up.

You are wrong to be doxing him and publishing the info. You are being used by the political cabal and they are some nasty players. They set up Pino and used the medical director to sue her. Ms Rogers, Ms Underhill were on the go fund me.

True Pino carries things further than most and is probably High conflict type personality but the Underhill are some nasty players and have a lot of people fooled.

This Peacock guy commenting wants consolidation/charter. He is in town and wants consolidation of services. People are in it for themselves and things are not always as they appear.

The five will get it on the board and discuss Gilley, simple as that, it is time for an eval and feedback.

The people in a group disparaging a person that Underhill barred from the social media group is incorrigible and they are being bullies, throwing rocks in a forum she can't defend herself. Are you proud to be a part of that?

I don't agree with her tactics either though..

but you should stop with the clown emoticons and doxing.

Jacobs said...

Alex,You said Mel Pino is “mentally ill”, if you really think that why do you mock her and harass her every single day? That in itself speaks volumes of the type of person you are. You use to go to my church and claim to be a Christian. That’s not how real Christians treat others. You and your Facebook gang bully and mock people every day. You take screenshots of Mel Pino’s posts and run back to show them to your fellow bullies to laugh and mock her. Is this what you teach your children? Is this your attempted ‘claim to fame’ in Escambia County? You’re supposedly so upset over the comments allegedly made to Pam, and you say real men don’t talk to women like that, yet you go on repetitive rants about Mel Pino for standing up to you. Your hypocrisy and true character is showing and it’s shameful.

Mel Pino said...

One of the rock solid adages about politics is this: the game you are watching isn't the game that's really being played.

Whoever is in the visible front lines of this explosion is the game most people are watching. It's not the real game.

This current juncture has been coming to a head between Escambia County and Pensacola/Downtown for a while. It clicked "on" about two and a half years ago. Nobody could have dreamed that we'd have a pandemic, national turmoil, and social media descending into a cauldron of vicious disinformation. But here we are.

This is about money, development, money, development, and money and development. Oh, and the shifting of boundaries and exceptions to land use and zoning that will be required to satisfy downtown's march to the west.

On the surface of this is the clerk's office and the administrator's office against their own board, with the County Attorney's office playing all sides. (Not ethical, but smart.)

This has all been a long time coming. Anybody sifting the tea leaves on the level of the dais or even the County at large is missing the forest for the trees.

Cause this whole orchestrated PR explosion among all the old tired players--they're manufacturing bread and circus cover for what the don't want you looking at.

Anybody know about requests for City annexation of County?

Better yet, anybody noticed how the PNJ slipped in a piece about a gigantic development requiring rezoning near Sanders Beach? That land banking has been going on a loooooong time.

Think that was an accident? Oh, I forgot. I'm mentally ill.

--Melissa Pino

Tom Jardine said...

Commissioner Bergosh,

Do commissioners regularly exchange words after the meetings adjourn?

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing to watch for, if you all do decide to pass this and get the money, after all the stink Underhill causes he gets the money also.

Like he would do with discretionary-- talk bad about it 4-1 then takes it.
OLF 4-1 Bear Cronley Blah Blah Blah then take the campaign funds from Hemmer.
Make a stink about your travel funds then his exceeds it himself

He says one thing and does another.

Is the Mrs just now figuring out they could get some $ too. LOL I bet she slapped him upside the head..


People think this is disinfo and conspiracy.You know I'm right.

No we stay anonymous so he won't run code, get us sued etc hopefully

I bet he told Pam this also, made it up out of thin air, once a liar always a liar.

Deceit invites scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

who are you kidding? This "blog" and comments are so middle schooley...

and you are the "mean girl" always painting herself in the best light.

Anonymous said...

Stephen- glad to see you have a law degree because Bergosh certainly doesn't!!!!

Gary said...

Sean Bullington, It’s as creative as your emotional outbursts and conspiracy theories on every topic. Do you ever venture out into the real world?

Anonymous said...

I see this is getting some traction on the dis info site ECW. Search the blogs here where the public record shows. Jacqueline Aimee Rogers and Wendy Underhill conspiring on Doug's facebook to turn a complaint in about your brother.
Why any body gives them any traction or respect is beyond me..

Anonymous said...

Here it is..

Anonymous said...

So jaqueline is posting cartoons out of context you made of her. she can dish it out but if some one pushes back, she says you are mean. It's her ridiculous group think that gets the pushback. PACS are bad (unless they are my guy)

If people get in a public place, make a public comment, take a stand if someone disagrees it's not an attack, unless of course YOU GET SCREEN SHOTS AND SUE ANOTHER CITIZEN USING County EMPLOYEES/ OTHER COMMISSIONERS? PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS? GROUP INTIMIDATION AND POLITICS AS A WEAPON>

If anyone on your site ECW strongly disagrees with you or inder hill you censor block or ban.

Prove you aren't a disinfo site an invite D2 candidate to post on your site.

Or turn it off and let you be the insignificant propaganda site still going.

Facebook should remove ECW for bullying other commissioners and other citizens.

Anonymous said...

On a more serious note. The employees trial was today. Was one paramedic railroaded off staff? also and arrested as a bit too harsh of an action or not?
IDK. I see two ECAT employees got their job back after wrong termination, or one is working their way back.

A lot more to deal with in the real world and not be brought in to Underhill and cabal's crazy making. See it for what it is and brush if off.

I do think you need to have an honest eval of your administrator, if actions were wrong -- remedy them. For all we know she won't stay with all the crazy times..

Work to do and not kick the can..

Most reasonable people don't care if you mutter something in the hall or not.. Real world

Move on. Egos aside..

Anonymous said...

correction the trials are tomorrow.

IMO you also need to have administrator eval medical director. Do you approve of her and the cabal suing a citizen. How is the suit going where she is suing the county, I guess you can't comment on that.

Do you think keeping the jail under BOCC and having both positions merged into one for the medical director and paying two salaries to one employee. I don't think that has worked out very well.

Do you think it's ok for the medical director to be on facebook ECW? I don't like it.

Is there a social media policy for employees or are they tolerated using facebook for politics about county business?

Lot's of question for the upcoming evaluations for Administrator.

Don't pay Underhill's legal fees for libel and first amendment violations.

Thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

JAR IS huffing and blowing because she keeps losing those OPT out cases costing the taxpayers lost money and is vindictive toward her own commissioner, that a lot of us voted for. Bullington is a pest, I wouldn't call him back either.

Jen said...

Once upon a time ECW was a good group to go for Pensacola information before it turned into a breeding ground for hate slander and Commisioner Underhill worshiping..The conspiracy theories, people bashing, and clear bias turned me off..I don’t know if the admin changed hands but it’s a cesspool of hate now..The only other page like it is what’s happening Pensacola and they’re biased too.

Anonymous said...

Jen I agree. I unliked ECW because everyone in the group is so unhappy and mean that it gave me anxiety just reading the comments. The same 30 people complain about literally everything imaginable. My tax man is on there saying crazy mean things too. I won’t be using his services again. Switch over to Instagram it’s a much better vibe.

Anonymous said...

The two screen shots of Doug and Wendy sent to Rick and Alison are funny.

Anonymous said...

Yes Wendy was telling Arduini that Doug didn't know and was FORCED on the FRS plan. So what is it..Did they know? Does Wendy now want some of the funds also? It is now a Public record to the BOCC. What's the "we" in Peacock's statement, does he have a turd in his pocket?

So did Doug know or not? What is the story now? Check with mission control and get back to us. Arduini

Wendy goes begging for legal Fees to the BOCC, and they put a Go Fund me on the commissioner page but if you all vote this in then certainly it needs to be made known that they declined. Put that on the PNJ.

Lets see if they do in private what he blusters in public.

Maybe Rick will look into this.

Anonymous said...

Doug is also on PNJ facebbok about this, he obviously passed it on immediately and he is claiming it's a sunshine violation. His one long time buddy from ECW is traveling with him, the one who wants Perdido beach private -- must be a retired school teacher correcting grammar.

He says if it public info it's not leaking.

Wonder if Pam knew the blind BOCC email would be forwarded pronto by Underhill.

Kinda a stretch.. he's really making points with you guys isn't he /sarc

D1 voter said...

ECW allowed the N word to be used in reference to Lumon May. That’s when I left. It had stars after the N but everyone knows what it meant. They also made a poll about a woman candidate blocking them. That page is so full of hate. I’ve never read anything positive there just immature comments misery and one complaint after another. I would hate my life if I was that miserable and mean.

Anonymous said...

Since the board clearly voted policy that public records would go through the attorney and your D2 seat violated that immediately by sending this email out you should censure him. He violates board policy over and over and you allow it. Introduce a motion to censure. Not censor but publicity rebuke him. The retirement forms and ethics opinion were not for public consumption. Maybe he needs a lesson in what is a public record and what is not. He is a troublemaker. You have failed to keep him inline and he runs roughshod over the citizens of Escambia county.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could post pictures on this blog because I’m a Steven Stroberger supporter and they even mocked him. Someone by the name of Alex Arduini made an inappropriate sexual reference about Steven’s tag line. Escambia County Citizens Watch is run by trash that hates on everyone in the community. They tear the community apart not being it together.

Belinda White said...

The PAnon nutcases are out in force on this blog thread. Commissioner Bergosh, I hope these aren’t the people you are listening to. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

Here is the blog that generated the cartoon JAR is posting pointing out the absolute hypocrisy of Rogers ECW. She has a new crew she's acting for. She is offended some one calls her our for lying also and say the crap about strong women, you can't hide behide the fact you are a female--don't work that way.

Here it is Nellie

So silly they post Marlette cartton if it fits their agenda but if you draw one they disagree with you are a toddler..

Get out that logical fallacy poster.. Their logic isn't working and they are not going to recall candidates we voted for.

Again Sammons is the only voice of reason, most of us gave up on being in the middle of that garbage long ago but sometimes, when Underhill pulls this stuff one needs to push back.

They'll never change though..Just letting some know -- don't follow those people -- they are bent.

Belinda White said...

Now that I’ve taken a better look the comments look accurate.

Anonymous said...

The point is people need to think for themselves and learn civics. Policies are in place for a reason.

As a whole mobs and groups become mean spirited and a politicians will take advantage of it.

Pam Childers was out of order in the meeting, It was a meeting of the BCC. Not a meeting of clerk of court.

If the SAO takes up a sunshine claim them fine, they may have a refresher for the county because clearing the main problem is people don't under stand the limitation to government in the sunshine. May of the public record that get in the public domain have no business there. Underhill doesn't get that, Pino doesn't get that, Jacqueline must not get it as well as novice employees at the county.

You as a board need to reign in your D2 for violating county policy
As always Marlette is an idiot and get is wrong every time.

Most people on facebook don't think for themselves and trust a supposed leader who seems smarter. People are sheep and it takes a long time to get what is actually happening.

People need to think for themselves.

Women don't get a free pass if they venture into the political rhelm.

David Bear is pretty smart about the processes, I think that's why they support certain candidates.

Of course they are still involved with the PEDC, and TDC. It is a good part of government

People should watch the meetings and think for themselves and not be led by the nose.

Underhill is and has been a problem foe Escambia but d2 reelected him. So we have to deal with it.

Censure him and turn him in for ethics and violation of the sunshine law and for going against the will of the board or keep being kitty kats ..

The real Belinda White said...

Someone is using the same name as me!

Belinda White said...

Someone is using my name too.

The real Belinda White said...

Stop using my fake name. I used it first.

The real Belinda White said...

Please stop. Don’t make me report this to Q.

Anonymous said...

why don't you talk with your brother about Rogers/Underhill and Rayme Edler talking about the paramedic's trial on Escambia Citizens Watch and get it thrown out of court. Mistrial. What a bunch of dipshits. What happened to presumption of innocence/due process? You all need to see that thread on ECW on the day of the trial of the accused paramedics on Escambia Citizen Watch facebook 6/9/2021

Anonymous said...

Your absolute hatred for anyone who disagrees with you is apparent. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

What’s sad is the hearsay and conspiracy theories made up by the mob of haters, before real facts are brought to light.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord this is funny in a way..

JAR'S pride is hurt. If they come to the meeting wearing T shits they should say I'm with stupid Underhill spin doctors will spin. The reason you didn't talk to the Fr may be because of this:

Plus if she didn't get the training she asked for on the agenda it's on her. Poor all Rayme boo hoo.

And some of ypu people in the thread maligning Mel told half truths also, not worth the time but a mental health professional throwing out diagnosis on facebook, yeah your licensed needed to be revealed and She said chick fil a was bigots not the mods of group f/b group..Stretch armstrong.

Lets get Edler in a meeting again. Ask her how suing a citizen went?

If she wanted didactic training why hasn't it been up through the proper channels and on the agenda? Out for bid?

So where do you think those PNJ opinions are coming from? It's easy to spin if you kick everyone out of ECW that Underhill tells you to, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Notice Underhill was off the dias for a while on the COW.. then brought in Childers to to conversation then got on the soap box. I like where you were going with the MSTU.

Steven didn't like the way Amber put the paperwork together.

When Underhill does that word salad it's usually because something made him uncomfortable so he talked Amber's ear off.

Anonymous said...

Watching the COW video. "Your logic is illogical".. You got that right.

Marie Larson said...

The county is a 3 ring circus. The commissioners have to fire madame administrator then clean out the HR department. She has allowed the disgraceful firings and it must end with her removal. There is no more excuses for her, the commissioners need to get it done on the 17th.

Lori said...

Commissioner Underhill can’t even attend half of the meetings and always seems to leave early, but gets paid over 80k a year? If the commissioners were paid for the amount of time they actually worked, we could fund the fire department rather well.

Lori H. said...

Commissioner Bergosh, I don’t always agree with what the board does but please thank your wife and the rest of the commissioners wives for at least having enough class to stay off of the news chat sites. The attacks on the other commissioners by commissioner Douglas Underhill’s wife is tacky and low class. I have never seen a spouse of any county employee or elected official viciously attack another county employee or elected official, but Commissioner Underhill’s wife can’t stop herself. It’s a bad look on both of them and the county.

Anonymous said...

Lori, he was most likely making calls to his flying monkeys for damage control for running his mouth

Anonymous said...

No we are in elementary school.

Watching the COW video.

Doug gets the clerk in the conversation -- everybody else rolls their eyes. Doug is the kid who poops in his own pants and tries to blame it on everybody else.

Hopefully you all had an execution session after.

Anonymous said...

I agree 💯. The attacks by a Commisioner’s wife on other Commisioners as well as County employees is crazy. I can’t name any local or even state elected official’s wife’s that do what Mrs. Underhill does. It’s very unbecoming.

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, the thing we couldn't talk about.

Apparently someone was handing out certifications which they should not have been doing, perhaps one missed dotting an I or crossing a T to be able to instruct.

I think the other guy (B) did worse. I've looked over all the complaints also.

CPR is basically the same thing over and over.

Couldn't the medical director found a way to go forward and train our paramedics and set things right? couldn't Underhill not put the confidential DOH complaint to the media to make it seem like he was a hero?

I get the nurse is posting about her child and the bad care taken, that hopefully was dealt with, One on one. Most likely he was already deceased and these EMT's pick people up 24/7. from wrecks.. think of the George Floyd video. How has that turned out

Now we have a long time employee whose probably worse sin was not getting a state guideline done to a T to be able to instruct. Should she go to prison for 30 years? Why did SAO see the need to do such a harsh complaint?

Well it's in their hand s now.

I don't see Edler as a hero, I see her as an immature MD who had no life experience put in a task and her using a commissioner and law and even the man Gilley hired..Maygarden..Big Whoop.. rail rodeded these people also. Maybe you can't publish this Bergosh..

And yeah as far as wild comment..

and faces of Eve..made me think of

Will the real Belinda White plese stand up!!!!

Get on the intercom and try to find Mike Hunt..

Will Mike Hunt..calling Mike Hunt..

Sometimes satire and humor help to diffuse a tense situation.

Personally I think it was all handled badly but again it goes to show how incompetence can wreck an organization.

Nip it in the bud, follow procedures..

Communicate among yourselves and be excellent..

Anonymous said...

Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug That’s all the Anti Underhill Cult can think of.

Anonymous said...

Facts like real documents and meeting minutes. Sad day for rich commissioners. Boo hoo. Anonymous because I don’t want to be attacked by the crazy side of Pensacola. Yes that’s you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lori H.

Her (Wendy) typing behind his (Doug)'s profile is probably the one that has caused the most trouble.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure bringing in Dawn on ECW was the damage control Underhill and Rogers and Edler et al did today.

..for balance... what do you think about sending Kate to jail for 30 years does?

problem solved right?


Anonymous said...

Pino Pino Pino Pino Pino That’s all the anti Pino pro underhill cult can think of.

Eric Sharplin said...

The Fighting needs to stop Escambia Citizens Watch loves promoting slander and Misinformation.
Jacqueline Aimee Rogershas done nothing but cause trouble . I remember when Gene M Valentino was commissioner people would complain he had a temper and blow up he never attacked his fellow commissioners on Facebook It really bothers me Doug Underhill and Jacqueline Aimee Rogers hide be the skirt of a Keyboard to attack people I thought military guys were so supposed to brave not scared of anything I say be a man say to that commissioners what Mr Underhill are afraid of. We must work together for the greater common good of escambia county

Anonymous said...

Have you read Escambia County Citizens Watch group? There’s something about Ms. Pino from the same people on every post. There’s even a poll wanting opinions about her blocking people. No one cares about her other than ya’ll. Talk about obsessive. She takes up a lot of space in y’all’s minds.

Anonymous said...

If you disagree with her or her husband or the lady that admins ECW where the bashing is done by the wife, you get verbally attacked or blocked from the group. It’s a very biased group that is only pro Mr. Underhill

strik joseph said...

Thank you for such a nice blog I am getting so much interesting knowledge and it's really helping for law firm.