
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, June 21, 2021

PNJ Shenanigans with the Truth Paint me in a False Light Deliberately

PNJ is always engaging in their machinations against those with whom they disagree, or with whom they dislike.  Or with whom their advertisers and patrons dislike.
As they have done in the past to me, they are once again painting me in a false light with actual malice.

How so?

After a recent meeting, there was hearsay that the PNJ ran with intimating some commissioners had said things that were offensive about our clerk of the court Pam Childers.  It was not true, and I categorically denied it at the time.  It blew over when the clerk herself brushed it aside and deflected when asked who said what and who heard what.  It was over.

But in their rush to publish that salacious, inaccurate article built on hearsay--they (PNJ) put my picture on the caption in the headline online---even though I was not one of the commissioners even accused of saying anything in the first place.  When called about the accusations---I was the only commissioner who even took the time to take the PNJ's call and give an on the record comment.

And then they did this to me.....  See screenshots of my conversation with Lisa Nellesen Savage below.

She tried to explain and to fix the issue--but this is at least the second time they've done this to me.


I don't think so, I don't believe in them.  Not with the PNJ.

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