
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, June 11, 2021

62nd Coffee with the Commissioner This Wednesday Morning 6:30-7:30 AM


Join us for our 62nd Coffee with The Commissioner event this Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 from 6:30-7:30AM.

We will have County Administrator Janice Gilley, Escambia County Emergency Manager Eric Gilmore, and Escambia County Information Technology Director Bart Siders on the call. Janice will give an update on county happenings, Eric will give an update from Public Safety, and Bart will discuss the County's proactive approach to network security.

Our special guest on the webinar will be Dr. Eman El-Sheikh, who is Associate Vice President at the University of West Florida. She leads the Center for Cybersecurity and is also a Professor of Computer Science at UWF. With Colonial Pipeline, JBS, the City of Pensacola, and more recently the city of Mobile all being targeted by cyber-criminals--this will be a discussion about what we can do to protect our networks and how the field of cybersecurity is growing in our area. Dr. El-Sheikh will highlight what the UWF Center for Cybersecurity is doing to support cybersecurity awareness, education and workforce development across public and private sectors, and current challenges and opportunities in this field. Please join us for this great and very timely and relevant discussion!

To join the meeting, go to the following Facebook page at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 10 and watch the live stream:

Residents and citizens are encouraged to send virtual questions and comments they would like to discuss with District 1 Commissioner during the event through Facebook or email to


Anonymous said...

Are you going to talk at all about the attic fire in Beulah in April where only one volunteer responded, and couldn’t do anything because they were in an SUV? Or the other plethora of calls that go unanswered by the volunteers in this county? How would it make you feel if it were your attic that burned longer than it should have because of lack of volunteer response?

Anonymous said...

Will you be talking about the attic fire in Beulah in April where only one of your precious volunteers responded, and they were in a SUV so they couldn’t do anything anyways? Or the plethora of calls that go unanswered by the volunteers? Or how even though volunteerism is going down nationwide, you still somehow think they are the answer? How many more houses need to burn down, or God forbid people die before you realize that you just need to fund public safety correctly?

Anonymous said...

Or speak of the devil, another instance literally just during this little storm where a house in nature trail (that neighborhood should hit close to home for you) was struck by lightning where there was a small attic fire. Only one volunteer showed up from Beulah(station 2) in their engine, and they showed up after engine 1 did (who responded all the way from Bellview). Tell me again how the volunteers are the answer? There are literally no career personnel assigned to station 2, so you can’t spew your lies of “career firemen are running off the volunteers”. Do your part time job correctly and fund your public safety department, especially the fire department, sufficiently.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a "certain person" share the budget video of the COW and also the budget video done by Amber then gets on ECW and types comments under the meeting thread saying you want to raise the MSBU, when you actually said you want to lower it and have a MSTU but Amber did not include it on that form.

I do not want a higher MSBU, so thank you!!!!!!

Ask Momma Bear if she's ready to eat a frog.

Tom Jardine said...

Commissioner Bergosh,

You and your two voting block partners, Commissioners May and Barry, have been a huge disappointment to me recently, and likely you are a disappointment to my fellow Escambia County citizens, as well.

The three of you have been involved in several shenanigans of late.

You are upset with Administrator Gilley because she has taken a laudable stand in protection of a private citizen’s privacy rights.

The majority voting block controlled by you, Barry, and May have put you three in control of this county for the past seven to ten years.

Yet you three are attempting to retroactively grab additional retirement money, and are complaining about Personnel issues from past years?

In my informed opinion, the three of you have recently misappropriated $3.3 million in FEMA grant money provided for Pensacola Beach renourishment.

Not only were your actions disgusting in that instance, your creative accounting potentially jeopardizes future FEMA grants. When the federal government grants Escambia federal funds for beach renourishment - DON’T move the money into the LOST account, sir!!!

Ms. Gilley took over the helm of this county at a very dark time. This county was rudderless. We had revolving Administrators and multiple scandals. You were at least 20% responsible for that dark time.

Don’t scapegoat Ms. Gilley, sir! She has brought back credibility and professionalism. I am much more confident in County government since she stepped into the Administrator role.

You, May, and Barry are skating on very thin ice with me.

Anonymous said...

Tom, you've been listening to disinfo.
Bergosh is not trying to get into the 401a..for one. He clearly stated that.
Underhill bloviates about not taking more than the lesser employees.

Hint..look on the video where Barry says "candidly" then responds to him. What did he point out..In public?

DO NOT trust how he and Jacqueline spin things. period. Do not trust PNJ's interpretation either.

Try watching a meeting.

And I do not think the FEMA reimbursement was for just sand, it was for hurricanes expenses.

The county is more than the barrier island sand bar.

Who builds on a sand bar any way.

And bitching about fee simple does nothing It's dead moot point.

Not a brainwashed ECW puppet said...

Tom Jardine,

I completely disagree with you about Janice Gilley. Was your opinion based on first hand knowledge or ECW, where the witch hunts derived from hidden agendas take place? Have you personally worked under the Gilley administration? Please educate yourself a lot more before going on about our current admin being a god send for the county. I can assure you with knowledge, she isn’t.

I also disagree with you about beach renourishment. As a life long resident and avid surfer, I know what renourishment really does to barrier islands. Pensacola can’t rely on tourism as our main industry because the hurricanes are going to get much stronger and the beach will be off limits to tourists during recovery more often. Has the bridge being out not taught us any lessons regarding this as well? It should of.

Anonymous said...

Please ask Ms Gilley if she thinks it's a good practice to have the medical director do QA/QC and then file it the DOH and have Underhill and Jacqueline Rogers post it all over social media and release it to the newspapers.

Maybe let her know why the county can't get paramedics is because of that.

Preventing medical errors is not supposed to be done in a punitive environment and shouted from the tree tops by megalomaniac narcissists trying to get attention and appear grandiose when actually they appear utterly unable to see their own contributions to the demise of the county government.

Anonymous said...

The employees should be praised in public and disciplined in private. Watching Rogers and Underhill publish the DOH complaints for better or worse is wrong. Maybe by law it is allowed but their own actions is what compels the board to need to settle.

Human decency. Ms Gilley needs to not protect the medical director. The public nature about all this should have been avoided.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Tom Jardine: The problem is you don't know what you don't know. You don't work in the county, you don't reach out to us for information, and I've never once seen you come to a meeting----not even for your cause of fee simple. So your assessment of me that I am disappointing you somehow carries no weight. You have no idea what has been happening, none whatsoever, because again, you don't know what you don't know. You are glib. You are ignorant. And I do not mean that perjoratively. You just don't know. Lots of bad things are happening, believe that. So by all means continue to get all of your (mis, dis) information from the facebook hate site with 15 or so folks that buzz around like spinning tops insulting people and spreading lies about folks in their very own echo chamber of hate. See how far that gets you Tom. (Here's a hint though: Not far at all......)

Bryan Caro said...

Tom... sorry he called you ignorant and glib rather than informing you of what you don't know...I will do my best to inform you of what they won't tell you. Berg knows enough about enough. He will tell you to tune in to coffee w/ a commish but that's just to talk about what he wants to pontificate. He's a decider and I guess he decides what you need to know and what you don't.

I did thank him for checking on the legality of the reachback for lost revenue on the 401a. The time taken to discuss this expenditure was a waste of air and time. They discussed this issue longer than was necessary. I'd be a little upset as well if I missed out on something like that. But, to discuss it at length and place such an emphasis on it was insult to injury to those people who stood before them and told them about the short staffing at several county departments. They didn't give that a hot minute. 3 minutes and you're done. The (mis/dis) info he talks about on the FB "hate site" is full of facts. Just not his facts or the way he wants you to view them. The info is put out their for your discernment. If the facts are (mis/dis) info, he should publish them somewhere else rather than this small market blog of 15 or so folks that buzz around like spinning tops insulting people like yourself and others. What kind of public servant gets away with that? Only an elected official apparently who forgets who he works for. If a county employee was to do that, he'd have another blog throwing a hissy.

Anonymous said...

you could ask her if this is what is behind the stories about anonymous record request article s published.

I think this is what is going on:

I think underhill was getting barry's info to pass to his buddy to release on facebook, first anonymous request

I think with underhill working with edler to sue citizens and underhill f/b propaganda site (ECW) trying to intimidated embarrass people for participating and said group publishes the emails sent to the commissioners ..maybe a VPN is the way to go or make a phone call.

The people calling for transparency are just diabolically using it to manipulate public opinion

that's the back story

barry was trying to get his facts straight before bringing an issue to the board
under hill is trying to blow up the board because they wont pay his legal fee for being a jerk on facebbook.

barry wants to prove it's underhill but underhill used a vpn, so anonymous barry could not prove it was anonymous cyber doug..

i think that's the back story.

pino joins in and now the fire department is doing it also.

head spinning yet?
jacqueline started it to get doug elected, you can read where valentino sued doug and can tell they got his emails..

and the beat goes on.

Karen said...

What kind of public servant gets away with that? lmao Have you seen the way Commisioner Underhill treats his constituents? Obviously not. You are part of the group of hate and it’s not doing the county any good. Why did you get fired from the county?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:43 you are so spot on and one of very few that sees what’s going on through the facade.

Anonymous said...

What kind of public servant gets away with that? Have you seen the way Commisioner underhill talks down to his constituents when they ask simple questions? How many times has he told a woman online she’s stupid etc? Get your head out of your butt. Did you get fired from the county for having porn on a county issued phone? That’s what I’ve heard, but I’d rather hear it from you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... TO this comment from 108

"Anonymous 11:43 you are so spot on and one of very few that sees what’s going on through the facade.

June 14, 2021 at 1:08 PM"


I deducted that with out one single public request.

It amazes me the people that can't see something right in front of their face.

while Doug snickers in the background.

SBD right in the room and people run to it and sniff it up and think it's air freshner.

Anonymous said...

I think the people doing PPR for the most parts are just thorns.

Anonymous said...

Say what??

County resources used to watch porn?

Most be lonely sitting around doing nothing all night.

Should we get a PRR request in on that?

Publish it on ECW like the rest of the documents.


Anonymous said...


You know the commissioner don't hire people and know they are short staffed..

I'm sure you telling them that at public forum was a real AH HA moment for them/sarc

Anonymous said...

Bryan Caro said...

To all the anons and Karen

I do know the anon requestor and it's none of those people you mentioned, nor was it underhill passing along info. Yall are hilarious. What I post on ECW is facts. I don't belittle or hate anyone. I may be snarky and a little sideways so, if I have hurt someone's feelings, perhaps they should mention that and I will humbly apologize. I don't play cards, golf, play tennis (I suck), or any other extracurricular activities or hang out or anything else with any important people.

I did not have a county issued phone nor have I ever. So that's out the window. I am glad you came to the source and I hope that if someone is bumping gums about me, you set them straight or tell them to ask me. You are more than welcome to message me on facebook and I will answer your questions.

Yes, Underhill is not w/out guilt. Do I support Underhill? No, because I don't live in D2. I do support his support for the FD and PS. I will support anyone that supports the county employees as a whole. If I discover he has crapped on them, I will address it with him.

The FD has no voice because they will be reprimanded for exposing the real dilemmas other than at the podium by the Union President. The PSD can only speak about what he is told and we see how that has gone over the years. The FC can speak, if they had one. They do now however, it's gonna take him a few months to get familiar with the happenings and get the ball rolling.

Anon 1108hrs, the facade? From ECW? I have corrected a few issues on there and set the record straight. I don't deal in half truths. I have corrected many on there and provided correct info. I even went back and apologized for some info that was off by about 12hrs or so. The info was right but apparently there was some confusion as to what aerial devices were actually available. There were none as far as fire protection goes.

There is a lot more info that I am aware of that yall are not. Info that will show how sneaky and clever the county is when they go after someone. I am unable to share that info because my legal counsel has advised me not to. Like my Maw Maw used to say, it'll all come out in the wash.

I am not going to hide behind anonymity. Anon 1334hrs, I never called a woman stupid that I can recall. If so, please let me know and I will correct my rudeness. IF that is the case, the only thing I can think I may have replied with is, are you stupid? I don't recall doing that but, like I said, if I did I will humbly apologize. That is not my style.

Love ya, mean it!

Not Karen said...

Bryan Caro,

Now I’m curious so I have a couple questions.
1. Are you currently involved in a lawsuit with the county?
2. All of this information you keep saying you have, but never show anything, is it information that’s accompanied with proof to back up your words? Or just your word against whomever?
3. Are you a disgruntled former county employee?

Anonymous said...


Well Doug directed them to the public request most likely.. To stir stuff up. It's really a non story. He released the ethics committee opinion -- had somebody do it. Probably Arduini. Be the ball.

Ms Gilley is between the two commissioners.

That's the public request anon anon stories going around, I think.

Keep bringing your info.

I think everybody basically wants the same thing but can't snap their fingers and make it happen.

Doug continually leaks info. I guess he thinks it helps but it probably causes him more harm than good. He creates conflict.

Social media is really not our friend if we can't stick to the facts, and it usually devolves into crap and chaos.

Different people have their own POV. I prefer to be here, maybe no one hears me. I'm just one voice. At least this way hopefully I won't get sued by a county employee.

You can't argue with Jacqueline or Doug very much or you get kicked off, so many stay silent. it's a group think thing and her being the owner and him a commissioner changes the dynamic.

When he goes after the other commissioners and perhaps I am on the phone with one it put me in a bad position because it's not my style to debate plus the notifications give me insomnia.

I guess there are introverts watching also.

Some want all the attention.

I like to let them know I'm paying attention, perhaps that keeps them a little more honest.

Blessed Be.

I think some of them need to get in a big field and beat the shit out of one another and get it out of their system (not really)

Anonymous said...

Bryan the anon anon articles going around all over the place today, like Northescambia and Ricks blog that Gilley put out are directly related to some one publishing the ethics committee opinion Barry sought, that is supposed to be private and other documents before Barry could bring it to the meeting with his colleagues. Underhill was trying to start stuff about that since April and couldn't get any traction so he sent it to his buddy Jim Little at PNJ to kick up dust.

Read between the lines.

It wasn't about you and what ever you are bringing up.

I think Barry found something and wanted to bring it to everyone's attention and had mulled it over for over a year. the 401a, Underhill was trying to undermine him and embarrass him and for colleagues (peers) to act that way is madness, disrespectful and fosters dysfunction.

Underhill is toxic. People can't see it because he is convincing. I'm telling you, watch what he says and watch what he does and THEY> DO> NOT> CORRELATE>

Anonymous said...

Bryan I think the commenter says Underhill calls people stupid. I'm sure this forum is confusing..

I'll read your posts on public forums.
Sorry to hear we have yet another lawsuit at the county.

EC voter said...

Mr. Bergosh,

I have read through a lot of extremely derogatory comments on certain news groups on Facebook, one in particular where commisioner underhill constantly downgrades the other Commisioners. I also read a comment by the admin this morning that said the Commisioners only respond to public pressure and outrage. I would like to hear your opinion on that. Do Commisioners only respond to the “let’s tar and feather them” mentality? Also, what is your opinion about a fellow commisioner and his family members constantly undermining the rest of the board to make them look bad and make himself look like the only ethical commisioner? If answering these questions create a legal or ethical dilemma I’ll understand if you don’t answer.

Bryan Caro said...

To Not Karen

Now I’m curious so I have a couple questions.
1. Are you currently involved in a lawsuit with the county?

not currently, as I mentioned, I have legal counsel and we are currently discussing my issue

2. All of this information you keep saying you have, but never show anything, is it information that’s accompanied with proof to back up your words? Or just your word against whomever?

I do have documentation. There is some other documents I am in the process of obtaining.

3. Are you a disgruntled former county employee?

I've been disgruntled for the last 20 years lol... I'm not disgruntled, I am tired of the lackadaisical attitude from the bocc, sans two, for PS and the other county departments on staffing and funding. They can fund their pet projects and support high school booster clubs with "discretionary funds" to keep their base satiated but could give a flip about the basic operations of the county that directly serve the citizens.

I would like to know how old the buses for ECAT are and what kind of rotational purchase program they have. I don't recall hearing about or seeing a bus that is in need of repair or w/out AC or have mechanical deficiencies on the reg, hauling citizens around.

Not Karen said...

Thank you for your answers, Bryan. I appreciate the civility.

Not Karen said...

Thank you for your answers, Bryan. I appreciate the civility.

Anonymous said...

To EC voter. My commissioner does not respond to bullies who scorn on social media from what I can tell. It is very ineffective.

He prefers phone calls.

I think he responds to civility and respect and not to drama.

The crowd in ECW wins no political points with the board.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Tom Jardine said...

Commissioner Bergosh:

You stated:
“You don't work in the county, you don't reach out to us for information, and I've never once seen you come to a meeting----not even for your cause of fee simple.”

I did indeed speak at Public Forum in February of 2019 to attempt to steer you five dummies away from your absurd “Beach Ordinance”. So it appears that it is YOU “who don’t know what you don’t know”.

I took a day off from work in an attempt to keep you from once again pursuing an ill-advised policy. You were there. I was only given two minutes to teach you five dummies about a complicated issue.

And I have reached out to every one of you five dummies a hundred times. You most of all. I may as well be talking to a turtle.

It was futile. You ultimately abandoned your leadership responsibilities by capitulating to a misguided left-leaning activist group headed by Democrat Dianne Krumel.

Allowing a well-meaning but misguided protest group lead our county on a complicated tax issue was pure folly, sir. You were ELECTED to understand that,

The result is a catastrophic loss of $200 million dollars for both Escambia County and our school district over the next 99 years. Bravo!

And developers are now running wild paving over Pensacola Beach due to your mismanagement.

So far in 2021, your SRIA board members have sold Innisfree hotels a previously unleased property on Casino Beach west of the Hampton Inn. The SRIA and your BCC unanimously re zoned it to allow for a new condominium complex.

You approved Innisfree to rebuild the Best Western with 67% more hotel rooms AND waived the $330,000 impact fee against the SRIA’s attorney’s opinion that Innisfree should pay that fee.

And you know darn well that the public will never gain access to the private leaseholds on Pensacola Beach.

Defeating fee simple was merely one of the dumb policies that you have championed.

You are are a talented man, but your arrogance and short-sightedness frequently injure the great citizens of Escambia County.

Tom Jardine said...

On the pension scandal:

You, Barry, and May discovered that Escambia offered an obscenely generous pension plan to senior county officials.

Rather than immediately reforming the plan, your two voting buddies began exploring ways to bilk the great citizens of Escambia County out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Apparently, you three are now scapegoating our fine County Administrator for her courageous stand as she attempts to safeguard the identity of a private citizen who made an anonymous public records request in an attempt to expose the BCC’s malfeasance and to prevent the fleecing of our great citizens.

And the disgusting “cherry” on top of the revolting sundae that you three have served up? The county officials who are attempting to “out” the anonymous private citizen.are not disclosing their own identities.

Once again, you are on the shady side of an issue. Get it together, sir!

Bryan Caro said...

Not Karen...

you are welcome...I try to deal in civility and will always do so. Friend me on facebook if you wish... I welcome dialogue and other points of view. It's healthy.

Anonymous said...

The county is putting in the same amount of money (contribution) to either plan, it's the rate of return that is vastly different.

Wanting to be made whole was I'm sure a dumb move and Barry probably regrets it, just my thought.

You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

See how Underhill says he doesn't think elected official should draw retirement. It B/S

Get a contract that he him self is not getting the very same percent added as the others, it is decided at the state level. the 401a just doesn't have all the fees taken out. You can't. The county contributes a generous amount and it is set by state statute

Put down the pitckforks and quit listening to ECW spin.

Underhill is full of it, he loudly exclaims he doesn't want discretionary and votes against it but takes every penny, he will also take the retirement.

You guys look foolish believing his rhetoric, really just stop it.

Or lets just roll out a party because he is going to give all his retirement back to the people on the street..You believe that? If so I have a bridge to sell you.

I think that's right, Barry explained it at the meeting, when he said, "Candidly Underhill" did you go hear that on the video or rely on comments in the chat site?

Go to the source and think for yourself please, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Arduini spin on the administrator is bogus, he is simply walking around with a bullhorn.

Bryan Caro said...

anon june 16 2021 7:57p.m.

The county is putting in the same amount of money (contribution) to either plan, it's the rate of return that is vastly different.
not so's the link for the childer's memo from the ECW site...the memo being the source

this is a clip for you as well
"It is for this reason that a correction is being made to the County contribution rate provided for
the ICMA 401(a) plan."

I can tell you that the "feet on the street" don't get this kind of contribution nor the rate of return the "elite" class does.

Tom Jardine said...


You claim that the annuity does not cost the taxpayers of ESCAMBIA COUNTY any more than does the FRS. But does it cost the taxpayers of FLORIDA any more money?

I read specious comments every day, but I can tell you this: FEMA money is not “free money”. Money coming from the federal government is not free. Money coming from the state of Florida is not free.

I read specious news reports that the Santa Rosa Island Authority pays for the “free trolley” or paid for playground equipment. Those amenities are NOT free. Economics does not work that way.

If this “miracle” annuity generates such unbelievable returns for no additional costs, then why don’t we allow everyone on the planet to participate?

It is telling that Commissioners Barry and May are NOT attempting to reform the program or attempting to make it available for all Escambia employees. Instead they both are attempting to enrich themselves. That may be typical human behavior, but it is not inspiring leadership.

And with all due respect, anyone who believes that every member of ECW is homogeneous is either a fool or a con artist.

I have participated on other Facebook political sites. ECW is the only group worth following, in my humble opinion.

Good day!

Tom Jardine said...


On the subject of Janice Gilley: It appears that you are, once again, in lock-step with Democratic candidate Dianne Krumel. The two of you were vociferous critics of Ms. Gilley. From my perspective, Janice Gilley rescued this county during a very dark time.

Both you and Dianne were likewise simpatico on perpetuating the lease system on Pensacola Beach (though no one can explain how that trick benefited our citizens).

Last month it was discovered that Dianne approves of the sweetheart deals that the SRIA has gifted to big developers on Pensacola Beach. You, likewise, are in favor of paving over Pensacola Beach.

It wasn’t lost on me that the SRIA has been allowing developers to pave over Pensacola Beach at record speed this year. We all recognize that the BCC appoints the members of the SRIA Board. So it is, in fact, actually the BCC that has thus far in 2021:

1. Sold Innisfree a previously unleased Casino Beach property for $8,500. Then you re zoned that property to allow Innisfree to build a new mixed use condominium.

2. Approved Innisfree to rebuild the Best Western on Pensacola Beach with 67% more capacity. Then you changed the Island Authority’s long-standing policy in order to liberate Innisfree from having to pay the $326,000 impact fee meant to pay for capital improvements designed to mitigate the damage created by that enormous development project on our fragile barrier island.

3. Granted conceptual approval to Portofino developers to initiate the construction of towers six and seven on the east end of Pensacola Beach.

Further, you and your colleagues on the BCC voted to improperly move a $3,3 million FEMA grant provided for dune restoration on Pensacola Beach. You moved that grant into the LOST account.

I am confident that some heroic Escambia citizens will initiate an ethics investigation for that suspicious accounting move. I’m just a simple working man, but it would appear to me that shenanigans such as that could jeopardize future FEMA grants.

I want what is best for Escambia County. You will continue to receive my support when you merit my support. I haven’t completely given up on you. Unfortunately, you haven’t earned my support lately. Quite the contrary.